On Friday (July 25, 2014), during a hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, House democrat, Eleanor Holmes Norton spoke out with a surprising statement. She stated that we don’t have a right to know things about our government. In fact she states that why there is a separation of powers in the Constitution.
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Posts tagged with 'congress'
Politico Poll Numbers
News from a new Politico poll which was done over the course of two weeks, from July 1 – 13th, 2014. The results are in and you can read it here. Politico polled a list of voters, and a good mix of democrats, republicans and independents. The news is a bit depressing if one is […]
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$3.7 Billion for Illegals
Congress has come back with their answer, or so it says, to Obama’s request for $3.7 billion for the crisis along the border. But what is this money going towards? According to Business Insider (the story here) the White House is going to use the money in the following: • The largest amount would go to […]
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Typical Smear Campaign
Has everyone heard about the young woman Kendall Jones, a Texas Tech cheerleader. She’s the one who posted pictures of her hunting animals and the left completely freaked out about it. Well, true to their form, their attacks have gotten even worse. Its beyond despicable, bus also so typical of their attacks on people who […]
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Obama Tweet Sounds More Like A Dictator
Yesterday the White House made the following tweet: “We can’t afford to wait for Congress…and that’s why I’m going ahead without them when I can.” —President Obama Obama, a person who has made claims to be a US Constitutional law professor, seems to be saying to his opponents if you won’t do what I want […]
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