The ISIS Threat

More people now know about the growing threat of isis, or isil, or Islamic State.  This group, which President Obama and his staff referred to as a ‘jayvee’ team has grown in the past couple of months and is terrorizing entire areas of Iraq. ISIS is a group which hates anyone that does not follow their […]
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Pelosi Races Across House Floor

Anyone browsing YouTube has run across videos of parliament members and congressional members confronting others, sometimes even devolving into fights.  Its been in Japan, South Korea, Venezuela, and others. On Friday, August 1, 2014, the US House of Representatives had something similar happen.  It did not involve fists, but democrat Nancy Pelosi decided to charge […]
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WH Spokesman Dances Around Question

The public has grown accustomed to government avoiding the question.  The politician, or spokesman, will continue to give their talking points as if that is enough.  Both Republicans and democrats will do this and neither is very truthful. White House press secretary Josh Earnest was caught doing this exact thing when asked by Ed Henry […]
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Harry Reid Says What?

Once more democratic Senator Harry Reid opens his mouth and says something stupid.  He is worse than Sarah Palin, but the only difference is Reid has the power to influence all of our lives.  The question everyone probably has is what did he say? “The border is secure.” Don’t believe me, watch it here.
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Seeing Illegal Immigrant Camps

There has been many reports in recent days about congressional members, or press, heading off to see camps which house illegal immigrants.  But its what has been told even before they visit which has some concerned about what is really going on. Take for example the list reporters had to agree upon before taking a […]
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Liberals Push for 18th Century Immigration Laws

How many of you have heard this by the left.  Our ancestors were immigrants, or immigrants in the early part of the 20th century helped out in farms, or other jobs. Yes, those are true, but it also begs the question why liberals are so stuck in the past. Look at what they push in […]
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Illegal Immigration Out of Control

An old saying goes like this, ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’.  This is exactly what American citizens are dealing with regarding the current immigration crisis.  A deliberately created crisis by liberals to force their agenda on everyone in the country. What is their agenda?  Simple, amnesty. Yep, amnesty, that’s it.  They have […]
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Immigrant Medical Emergency?

So, I read a story here, and it alarms me a bit, especially if its true.  The article mentions medical staff members who were/are treating the immigrating children coming into the USA. There is horrible stories of lice, scabies, as well as measles and small pox among the diseases in the set up camp.  To […]
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Increase in Illegals Not A Crisis – Democrats

In the past couple of days President Obama and House Minority Leader Pelosi have come out with some comments about the recent increase in young illegals showing up on the US border.  Recently Pelosi made a trip down to the border to ‘check’ things out for herself.  Here’s what she had to say about the situation: “We need to […]
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Mexican Military Helicopter Fires Shots in USA.

It appears a Mexican military helicopter fired a couple of shots off while inside US territory at US border patrol agents.  With tensions already mounting with US citizens over the influx of illegals, especially children, this latest incident does not help calm these tensions. The question that comes to mind, what was the helicopter doing […]
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The US Immigration Problem

I’ve heard all the sides, how immigrates have helped make this country great.  Yes I understand it, even had a grandpa who would use illegals on his farm before the Second World War. However, there is a problem liberals don’t want to face, or realize.  The immigrates of yesteryear are not what’s coming across today.  […]
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