Obama Losing MSNBC on Terrorism

The far left has generally been in sync with the Obama Administration when it comes to talking about radical islamic terror with groups such as isis.  However in recent days after isis murdered 21 Christians even MSNBC broke from the administration Ed Schultz and Chris Matthews both stated not only that the people killed where […]
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School Teaches Islam

Imagine this, a school teaches Christianity and part of the curriculum is to make a cross, pray, and to recite off the chalkboard some of the ten commandments. The liberal left would have a field day over this.  They would crying over separation of church and state and probably lined up lawsuits against the school […]
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Terrorists Are Radical Muslims

There have been a few people, especially the left, who continue to come out refusing to acknowledge that the majority of terrorists in today’s world are radical muslims. Here is an interesting question for the left who refuse to call terrorists radical muslims.  Why then are the terror suspects held in Guantanamo Bay being allowed […]
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White House Refuses to Believe in Radical Muslims

With recent radical muslim terror attacks on places like Paris there is growing confusion on why the White House continues to ignore such actions.  They seem to want to believe that islam could never produce such people. With islam having some 1.3 billion followers, and experts saying between 5-15% of them are radicals, that’s at […]
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Howard Dean: Paris Killers Not Muslim

Well, another wacky liberal has opened his mouth and spouted what every liberal is thinking.  This liberal is Howard Dean and his comments were about the recent terror attack in Paris. “You know, this is a chronic problem. I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists. They’re about as Muslim as I am. I mean, they […]
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Obama Fails to Recognize Threat

Recently US aid worker, Peter Kassig, was beheaded by the radical muslim group isis despite the fact that he was had converted to islam.  This act shows how radical this muslim group is and the threat they pose to world peace. Yet, President Obama still fails to understand, or does not wish to acknowledge what […]
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Liberals Attack Maher Again over Islam

Last Friday Bill Maher once again went against the standing liberal talking points when it comes to islam.  He once more went after liberals for their lack of knowledge of radical islam. On the other side this time was a liberal actor, Ben Affleck.  Maher did not let up, and indeed stated the following: “It’s […]
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