Dallas Shooting

Last night at a BlackLivesMatter event five cops were killed and more injured. Since its inception, the BLM movement has held an anti-cop sentiment.  Signs at evens promote shooting cops, even some leaders have spoken about it.  But when confronted they quickly change their tune. So don’t be surprised at the sudden 180 the BLM […]
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FBI not Proscuting Hillary

So yesterday the big hub-bub was over the FBI and their decision regarding Hillary.  Here is a quote from the statement: “To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or […]
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Liberal Logic?

So, a bit of liberal logic according tot them. If a Catholic priest is found with pictures of child porn on his computer, its a sign for the left to tell the jokes that all priests are pedophiles, and perverts.  Its a reason why the Catholic religion is a plague on humanity. If a white […]
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Real World Work

College kids, those special snowflakes as some call them have grown up and gone though school thinking a theory of a world around them.  They fail to understand that theory doesn’t always apply. Some special snowflakes got a large does of reality recently. It appears a group of college kids were interning at a business […]
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Tale of Two Shootings

In the past couple of weeks there have been two shootings in bars.  Both had drastically different results which also had a difference in how they were portrayed by the media. The Orlando shooting, the one most are familiar with due to the high publicity it has received thanks to the media. Muslim shooter buys gun […]
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Democrat Benghazi Report

So a few days ago the Democrats released their reply, to the then unreleased GOP Benghazi report. They went and mentioned Trump some 23 times more than two of the marines which were actually killed in the terror attack. Democrats then go on to say their report has no political agenda.  What? You go after […]
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2nd Amendment Wording

Let’s get right to the heart of the matter, the 2nd Amendment: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Now, listening to a Young Turks video some time ago I heard them say that each […]
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Brits Exit EU

In a shocker, British citizens have voted to leave the European Union. Now, as a result the media is flooded with fear mongering about an economic collapse and worse. Will such things happen?  Its actually anyone’s guess at best.  But going straight to fear will not help anything, and will only make things worse.  But […]
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The Transcript

By now people have heard the ‘released’ version of the transcript of the 911 call by the Orlando shooter.  The meme does a good job showing what was really said (except Islam, its actually Islamic State): Now, why did they have to omit islam, isis and change allah to God. Its a simple answer, they […]
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UC Irving Suspends College Republicans

UC Irving find themselves in the middle of controversy that they helped create. So, on the 2nd of June Milo Yiannopoulos was invited to UC Irving to speak to a group of college students. Now the college republican group has been hit by ‘sanctions‘ against them.  Their “privilege to book event space through Student Center and […]
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Teen Tries to Kill Trump

So, recently a teen went mental and tried to kill Presidential candidate Donald Trump. At a rally in Las Vegas a teenager tried to take a gun from a cop so he could shoot Trump.  But wait, isn’t suppose to be the Trump supporters and conservatives who are violent?  That’s what we hear, yet time […]
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No Islam

So, they are going to be releasing of the tapes for the Orlando shooter.  Only one problem.  They decided to edit out all mention of the word islam, or isis. The question becomes why censor the words islam or isis, or anything unless there is an ulterior motive going on.  But then, anyone who thinks about […]
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