(Warning, language) Watching the news and videos and other sources and what do I see once again? Assholes! People going around causing violence at a Trump rally. Yep, I am talking about the Anti-Trump crowd. I have steered clear of endorsing any candidate, but what these asses are doing can only be described as deplorable. […]
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Posts by ConservativeMe
Weak Minded
So true.
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Last year I had a health problem, ended up with back surgery and for a while couldn’t move my legs. This gave me an interesting perspective on the political cartoon which I’ve seen before: 2014, this cartoon wasn’t as personal to me. Today, having been in a wheelchair, I’d kick Kevin’s ass.
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Higher Pay Reality
Liberals are demanding many things these days, including higher pay. But this meme actually reveals an interesting truth liberals don’t wish to consider. I have heard liberals say companies can afford higher costs for workers. While that is true for some companies, it is not for all companies. Those companies will be forced to either […]
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Problems In Brazil
With the Olympics only months away there are many problems going on within Brazil. The Zika virus is something which has many people concerned, even having some calling for the Olympics to change the venue. They are concerned that not only athletes will become infected by the virus but spectators from other nations who have […]
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Every year I hear people on both sides say we should elect new people. Here is an interesting meme. When you think about it, all of the House and 1/3 of the Senate are up for election every 2 years. So if these people remain in power, its because we keep re-electing them.
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The New Ghostbusters
Okay, a bit late here, but a couple of months ago Sony put out the trailer for the new Ghostbusters movie coming out. And the reaction? If likes and dislikes on YouTube are any indication, it sucks. Currently its the most disliked trailer on YouTube (currently 799k dislikes to 232k likes). I heard a while […]
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Voter Fraud?
Conservatives are used to being called out for wanting things like voter ID to help prevent voter fraud. Constantly we’re told by liberals there is no such thing as voter fraud. It now appears this very idea has come back to hurt democrats in recently preliminaries within their own party. Bernie Sanders has given Hillary […]
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Self Serve Kiosks at Wendy’s
Have you heard of the decision by Wendy’s to switch to self-serve kiosks to take orders? If not you might only listen to left-wing media who won’t show this, or spin it in another direction. They won’t tell you this is what will happen as more places push companies for a $15/hour minimum wage. Yes, […]
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Never thought about it this way, but there is some truth here.
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YouTuber’s Response to Trigglypuff
This guy does a great job talking about the woman who constantly interrupted a conservative forum, much better than I could. The young man goes by Some Black Guy on youtube, well done sir, well done. I can’t get past her screaming, sounds like nails on a chalkboard.
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Your $15/hr Employee
This is how the story goes.
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