So, we have a third Republican debate tonight. There are just a few thoughts before the debate. Still a bit too early for such debates, and to start running for office. Personally I think there should be a law there is nothing until the year you vote in. In other words, no debates, no announcing […]
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Posts by ConservativeMe
This about sums up how liberals think:
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Your Worth
This is very true. Remember, even something as simple as walking could be taken from you very easily, a car accident, falling, or even an illness could prevent you from every walking again. Take time to be thankful for what you have today. There is nothing which says you will have it tomorrow.
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Socialism vs. Freedom
Yep, this about sums it up, yet liberals can’t seem to understand this.
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Democratic Debate
Yep, this about sums it up.
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This is so true. We’ve become a society which judges people based on tests and so called ‘academia’ which fails to account for how people are. Instead we brush everyone with the same feather regardless of who, or what talents, they have.
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It makes you wonder why liberals work so hard to cozy up to islam.
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Gun Free – Political Cartoon
Well, after a shooting I always wonder why its at a ‘gun-free’ zone and not at, say, a gun show where there are lots of guns.
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Love this cartoon, it has a pretty powerful message, we might be aborting the very ones who could save our future.
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Ben Carson and US Leaders
Ben Carson on US leaders. He’s got a point, if that person’s faith interferes with the US Constitution then that person should not be the leader of the USA.
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Fred Thompson and Government Agencies
Hit the nail on the head, if there’s a problem in government, create an agency to oversee it.
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Joy Behar Disrespects Nurses
Miss America recently had an interesting talent contest when Kelley Johnson walked out in scrubs and did a monologue about working with a patient with Alzheimer’s. The next day, on the show ‘The View’, instead of standing up and being respectful of not only a different talent, but the nursing industry, they mocked her. Joy Behar […]
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