Ran across this pic: Now I noticed three things which makes a liberal mind explode.
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Posts by ConservativeMe
Reasons Not To Vote For Hillary
These are four good reasons not to vote for Hillary Clinton.
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Need Food Stamps?
Seems like this is true. They can afford all this stuff, but need food stamps.
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Pelosi Turns Her Back on Netanyahu Speech
Once more Nancy Pelosi shows her inability to show anyone respect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rD_6qI670Q
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Internet and Government
Its true.
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Terrorist Jobs – Cartoon
Yep, according to liberal logic this should work.
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Just Give ’em Jobs
The Administration seems to not want to create a real solution to fighting isis.
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Gun Control
Think about it, only those who want to control you don’t want you to have a gun. Even the Nazis controled the number of guns the public could own (to ensure the masses who didn’t support them didn’t rise up against them).
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Net Neutrality?
Passing a law to figure out what’s in it is the worst thing we can do.
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Obama on Islam
Obama continues to double down, even rewriting history, to make it appear that islam is part of the history of the United States. He has now several times stated this as a fact despite no proof. “Here in America,” Obama stated, “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.” This […]
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70 Years Ago
The fierce battle of Iwo Jima was going on this time 70 years ago. The raising of the flag in the picture was actually the second raising, photographers missing the first one. Even after the flag was raised the battle for the island continued.
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All They Need is Jobs?
So ridiculous its almost not funny. The lengths the administration and the left will go through to avoid facing the truth is sad.
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