Are Ferguson Protesters Doing More Harm Than Good?

The reason for the protests, so they say, is the result of a grand jury not to press charges against Officer Wilson in the death of Michael Brown.  But the question now, are these protests doing more harm than good? Its a valid question which every protester should ask themselves.  But they will not. In […]
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Boycotting Black Friday?

Have you heard this one yet?  It appears several celebrities are asking people to boycott shopping on black Friday.  Among those calling for this one-day boycott are Russell Simmons, Kat Graham, and Jesse Williams. The reason for this, the verdict on Officer Wilson. Perhaps these people need to read the facts instead of going off […]
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Ferguson Thoughts

So the verdict came out on Officer Wilson as not-guilty.  What happened next was predictable. Photos of the officer who was assaulted.  Blood found on the officer’s clothes.  Eye witnesses changing their minds and a group of people bent on destroying a town if they don’t get their way. In the center of it all […]
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Washington Post Critiques SNL Skit

How do you know the media is in lock step with a certain party or group in politics?  The answer is simple, if the media critiques a comedy skit. This is what happened to a SNL skit making fun of Obama and his illegal immigration policy using the ‘I’m Just A Bill’ from Schoolhouse Rock.  Anyone […]
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What Else has Happened in the News

Thursday all eyes were on Obama as he prepared to give a speech about using executive orders to grant amnesty to millions of illegals in this country.  But did people pay attention to what else was going on? Chances are no, and that was fine for democrats and the media.  Considering the other things revolved […]
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Obama Ignores His Own Words

In his speech last night, which was telecast on select networks, and avoided the mainstream networks, Obama seemed to say he will enact amnesty with an executive order.  But let’s go back in time. July of 2008: “I fought with you in the Senate for comprehensive immigration reform. And I will make it a top priority […]
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Uh-Oh, NBC Poll Shows Latino Opposition to Amnesty

In an NBC/WSJ poll, conducted between November 14-17, about the President taking action and granting amnesty, the results are not good for democrats.  The overall numbers show half of the country, at least, is not in favor of such actions by a margin of 48% against to 38% for it. It gets even worse as one […]
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Democrats Fall Flat Again

Yesterday there was a vote in the Senate, finally, on the Keystone Pipeline.  Harry Reid decided to allow the vote, and the only reason was political. Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu wanted this vote to show to her voters she could get things done, yet was sabotaged not by Republicans, but by fellow democrats.  She said […]
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Ferguson Boiling

It seems like the ‘protesters’ are only interested in hearing about one thing, and only one thing when it comes the impending verdict in the case against Officer Wilson.  What they want. Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! We all know the justice system is not perfect, it was designed to be that way.  However, these rioters are saying either […]
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Obama Fails to Recognize Threat

Recently US aid worker, Peter Kassig, was beheaded by the radical muslim group isis despite the fact that he was had converted to islam.  This act shows how radical this muslim group is and the threat they pose to world peace. Yet, President Obama still fails to understand, or does not wish to acknowledge what […]
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