Immigration has been quite the hot topic ever since the election, in which the Republicans won the Senate and kept the House. President Obama has gone on to focus on this topic. Really, you hear from both sides the normal talking points, especially democrats lately about how this is a topic which needs desperate resolution. […]
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Posts by ConservativeMe
Pelosi Distancing Herself From Gruber
Recently one of the architects of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, came out with a very damning view of the American voter. He was caught stating that view, not once, but twice on camera. Now, other liberal sources are quickly running to prevent any damage to their already battered image. The media isn’t saying much, and ignoring it […]
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More Bad News for Democrats
A week ago democrats were staggering under the weight of an election onslaught which left them shaking their heads in dismay. They had lost control of the Senate despite their best push of anti-Republican rhetoric. Now comes another blow to the party. Republicans are now more popular than democrats. Yep, you heard right according the […]
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Lack of Transparcy Helped Pass Obamacare
Back in 2009 there was a large debate in the political realm. It was all over a massive, 2,000+ page monster bill called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or another name is the Obamacare. It was touted by the Obama Administration as a way for Americans to gain healthcare which would be affordable […]
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Berlin Wall Falls
Yesterday, November 9, 25 years ago the Berlin Wall came down. It was a symbol of an oppressive regime and its population. Yet, looking back at the events its hard not to feel that the lessons of what the wall stood for have been forgotten. The wall stood not to keep invaders out, or prevent […]
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CNN’s Gaff
By now we’ve all seen it, but here it is again, CNN stating SEALs killed Obama instead of Osama.
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Obama Should Heed Republians on Amnesty
Obama told the nation, not even 24 hours after the elections, that he was going to go ahead with amnesty. But perhaps he should heed Republicans on this one for once. After all, both Boehner and McCarthy in a recent luncheon gave some harsh words to Obama over amnesty. Amnesty seems to be the only […]
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NAACP, Only for Black Democrats
The 2014 elections saw some historic people voted into Congress. In the South, Tim Scott became the first black person who has ever been elected to both the House and Senate. In Utah, Mia Love became the first black woman Republican elected to the US congress in history. Both of these represent a major step […]
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Obama and the Election
Before the election everyone heard the following line from the President, Barack Obama. “I am not on the ballot this fall,” said Obama. “Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them.” Well Americans went to vote and voted against the democrats, and Obama’s […]
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Thoughts on the Election
The elections are over the results are coming in, time to reflect on some of the highlights of the election. First off in Texas you have the democrats pushing a poor candidate in Wendy Davis. Her campaign was plagued with problem after problem yet somehow she managed to gain the democrat vote. Of course, I […]
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Have You Voted Today
So are you one who complains about our elected officials? Do you say your vote doesn’t matter? Well, how wrong you are. Your vote does matter. Each election millions say that same thing. They don’t see why they should get out and vote, so they stay home and complain when the results come in. The […]
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ISIS Continues Killing
With all the news of the borders, Ebola, and the upcoming elections isis has continued to move and kill despite air strikes. Most of the news on twitter and other sources talk about the air strikes, but they ignore what is going on. According to the Associated Press isis murdered 150 men, women and children […]
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Democrats Threaten Voters
According to the New York Post democratic party members have received a letter which has a very ominous tone to it. While it states that who you vote for is a secret, if you vote of not is something they can find out. “We will be reviewing voting records… to determine whether you joined your […]
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Happy Halloween!
Thought I’d go with something a bit different today and link a Disney Halloween cartoon. Its not recent, but still fun to watch. After all, why make Halloween even scarier by talking politics.
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