State Dept. Responds to Obama’s Security Meetings

After Obama once again opened his mouth and created another bad press for himself the White House and State Department have gone into damage control.  What happened? Obama, under public pressure over ISIS, threw the intelligence community under the bus by blaming them. The President stated the intelligence underestimated the threat of ISIS.  Staffers have come […]
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Obama and Security Brifings

By now we’ve all heard from the President on how he was caught off guard by the rapid rise of the radical muslim group, ISIS.  He even went on to say on Sunday 60 Minutes about the situation: “I think our head of the intelligence community, Jim Clapper, has acknowledged that I think they underestimated […]
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Obamacare’s Narrow Networks A Disaster

The purpose of Obamacare was to insure everyone had medical insurance, or so we were told.  However, the reality has become anything but.  Healthcare insurance companies offering the narrow networks under Obamacare in California are reporting that there will be no increase next year.  In fact, some might even have their networks shrink. This is […]
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Michelle Obama on School Lunches

Michelle Obama has been on a quest of power against ‘unhealthy’ school lunches.  As a result, instead of millions of kids all over the country are now subjected to what they consider healthy, but uneatable. Children have even photographed the lunches to show what they are being served.  People have expressed their outrage, yet it […]
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Obama Speaks to the UN

In case you missed it, or decided to ignore it, President Obama went before the United Nations and delivered, what most thought, was a speech on terror groups like ISIS.  A way to unit the many groups against such radical Islamic groups which threaten to destabilize our modern world. However, even his own words are […]
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Wear Gold in September

Thanks to the good work of Aaron Rodgers, and the Blaze, I became aware of this important topic once more.  Every October while watching the NFL players around the league don funny looking pink shoes, towels, socks, etc in support of raising awareness and money to fight breast cancer. Now, thanks to an 11 year-old […]
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Lois Lerner is the Victim?

Lois Lerner, the official whose claim to fame is wrapped up within the IRS scandal.  The same person who went before a board of Congress members, ranted and raved at them, then turned and pled the 5th.  The same one whose e-mails mysteriously disappeared due to her laptops hard drive failing is now claiming something […]
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Obama to Skip Wounded Veterans Memorial

On October 5, 2014, a Sunday a new memorial honoring US veterans who have been wounded in wars fought is to be dedicated in Washington DC.  The memorial, called the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial, is the first of its kind to honor those disabled in wars soldiers have fought in an effort to […]
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Detention for Sharing

By now, we all know how poor our education system is when it comes to discipline.  It seems like kids cannot do anything in todays world, especially a good deed without being punished for it. For example take Kyle Bradford, a 13 year old at Weaverville Elementary School in Weaverville, California.  He went thought the […]
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Ezekiel Emanuel Misses Meaning of Life

Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the architects of the messed up Obamacare fiasco hurting democrats came out with an article recently.  Its titled, ‘Why I Hope to Die at 75’, and shows how much a person like him knows about science, but how little he knows about living. He states that living too long is a […]
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