The media continue to play up Obama’s popularity, as he remains popular with left wing reporters. But to the average person who is still struggling to work, or is working harder and seeing less return in their paycheck, things are not as rosy. Add in a few more problems that the President has caused himself […]
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Posts by ConservativeMe
Reporters Force NFL On Michael Sam
Michael Sam, the NFL’s first openly gay player before being drafted was cut by the team that drafted him in the 7th round, the St. Louis Rams. Talk to any expert about only football, and they all say pretty much the same, it would be difficult for Sam to make the Rams. Last year the […]
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Another Democrat Makes a Gaff
Recently President Obama has made a coupe of gaffs, one of which actually got not only national media attention, but world-wide attention. But now another democrat has made a new gaff, and no, it isn’t Reid, but Debbie Wasserman Schultz. When talking about Governor Scott Walker, Schultz said the following:
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Parents Ignored by Democrats Now
It was not too long ago that a mother of a killed son was the darling of the media. Cindy Sheehan was paraded around by the media as the poster mother for all mothers who were against the war in Iraq. They protested a Republican President, as such the media had no problem pushing the […]
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Obama Strikes Again
It seems like Obama is trying to catch up with former President Bush on dumb comments. Obama has had quite a few, from his ’57 states’ quote to where he told Americans that under Obamacare we could keep our doctors and healthcare plans. We all know how that is turning out. Of course recently Obama […]
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Parents of Aaron Vaughn Ask Obama to Step Down
Aaron Vaughn, was a proud member of Seal Team Six, the ones who went in after Osama bin Laden. The very action which President Obama applauded and his administration took credit for. Yet, after all the celebratory mood created by Obama over this, Aaron Vaughn was killed when a Chinook helicopter went down, killing 33. […]
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UK Takes ISIS Threat Seriously
November 26, 2008. a group of ten radical Islamic terrorists attacked, bombed, shot and held hostage people in the city of Mumbai, India. The attack lasted until the 29th of November killing 164 people and injuring some 600 people. Now with threats from ISIS counter-terror groups in the UK are looking at such soft targets […]
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Obama’s ISIS Gaff Continues
It has not even been a week since Obama uttered those now infamous words, “We don’t have a strategy yet”. Now, every since then people have taken shots at his words, and they should. Of course the very next day the administration was already on clean up duty, trying their best to minimalize the damage […]
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Strategy or Tee Time
We know which is more important to Obama.
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WH Responds to Petition to Free Tahmooressi
Many have heard about the situation a Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi got into one night at the border of the US and Mexico. The story is he took a wrong turn, and ended up at the border, with guns in his car. He ended up being arrested and thrown in a Mexico jail. People started asking […]
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White House ‘Clarifies’ Obama Statement
A day after President Obama made another stupid statement, the White house press secretary, Josh Earnest, had to come out and ‘clarify’ the statement. It becomes difficult when Obama’s statement was extremely broad. “We don’t have a strategy yet.’ It seems like everyone misunderstood what the President meant. According to Earnest the President was only referring […]
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Obama’s ISIS Strategy
Imagine if you will going back in time to before the D-Day invasion of France in World War 2. Eisenhower gets before the press and notifies them all that the landing site of the invasion will be at Normandy. Sounds like something only an idiot would do, right. Fast forward to present day. A radical […]
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CNN’s Audio Hoax?
On Tuesday a new development on the Ferguson case came to the surface by the news network, CNN. An apparent audio recording of the shooting of Michael Brown. However, the recording soon had several questions surrounding it. indeed, by the next morning even CNN hosts were skeptical of the recording they received. Michaela Pereira speaking […]
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Lois Lerner and the Missing E-Mail Debacle
The whole Lois Lerner and the missing e-mails has played out like a drama, tragedy, or comedy depending on one’s views. But however your view, its something that changes every time its in the news. This entire mini-episode of the larger IRS scandal has encountered a new development. First, let’s recall a quick history. Lerner’s […]
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Burger King Buys Tim Hortons
The new big news today is the announcement of Burger King buying Canadian franchise Tim Hortons for 11.5 billion dollars. Normally such news would not be talked about much beyond the normal scope of business, and for most Americans, nothing much changed inside the USA. However, there has recently been a change in the political […]
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