The latest tweets by the UN indicate that hamas is using schools funding by the UN to hide weapons in. Yes, that’s right, the group that is the most responsible for the war going is using schools as places to hide. The result being that if Israel attacks, hamas can use their PR groups to […]
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Posts by ConservativeMe
Tony Dungy and Michael Sam
A few days ago someone asked former coach Tony Dungy if he would draft Michael Sam. Sam is the college football athlete who has publically come out and said he’s gay. Dungy’s remark has ignited a controversy, and proved his point about Sam. “I wouldn’t have taken him. Not because I don’t believe Michael Sam […]
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ISIS Shuts Off Water Supply
ISIS is striking another jihad blow against Christians in a most inhuman way. Recently ISIS went after Christians by telling them either to leave, pay up, convert or die. Yeah, nice choices by a group of muslims that the rest of the world is suppose to believe is peaceful. Their latest blow, turning off water […]
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Religious War
With everything going on in the world, there is one thing the press, democrats and liberals are ignoring, or hope goes away. The religious war by radical muslims across the Middle East. There are two spots showing this war in stunning brilliance, yet is ignored. The first area, is the easiest to show, yet liberals […]
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Politico Poll Numbers
News from a new Politico poll which was done over the course of two weeks, from July 1 – 13th, 2014. The results are in and you can read it here. Politico polled a list of voters, and a good mix of democrats, republicans and independents. The news is a bit depressing if one is […]
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Putin Needs to Blame the Ukraine for Flight 17
Putin in the past couple of days has made several comments that makes anyone wonder what he is trying to do. As the world knows, Malaysian Airlines flight 17 was shot down and evidence is mounting that pro-Russian forces were behind it. The day after the crash Putin stated: “This tragedy would not have happened, […]
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Neil Armstrong Walks on the Moon
This day in history is perhaps one of the greatest achievements of humankind. Less than 70 years of powered flight, three men were sent to the moon. It started on July 16, 1969 when Apollo 11 successfully launched. Three days later it settled into lunar orbit and on this day, July 20th, the Lunar Module […]
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The Modern Democrat?
Saw this and had to chuckle.
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Obama Wasting A Crisis?
With the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines flight 17 it appears President Obama is wasting a golden opportunity to gather allies. In the flight 298 men, women and children were killed by what seems more and more likely to be by pro-Russian separatists. Obama even went on TV that first day, but what he said […]
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Bill Maher On Who is to Blame in Gaza
Sometimes Bill Maher can make a lot of sense when he is thinking things logically. Take for example the recent conflict in Gaza between hamas and Israel. He feels bad for the children and civilians, as many do, who are wounded and killed but he then goes on to ask a serious question many do […]
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The Tragedy of Flight 17
On Thursday, July 17, a missile shot down Malaysian Flight 17. Many focus on placing the blame, who did it, and why. Such questions should and need to be asked and answered, but we cannot forget the secondary, tragic effect of such an action. On board the flight 298 souls lost their life, snuffed out […]
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Israel’s Defensive Offensive
Gaza, a small area of land under contention for decades, and did not have to be, has led to the rise of terror groups like hamas. These groups go out, buy weapons with the intention of killing Israel citizens. They care nothing for any civilian living in Gaza, women or children. As a result of […]
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Busy News Day Yesterday
Two major events happened yesterday. First off, Malaysian Flight 17, a 777 airliner, was shot down by a missile over Ukraine. Now things were confusing at first, and some on CNN even said there was no way a missile could have done this. By the afternoon the US had come out saying it had been […]
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Malaysian Flight 17
Earlier today a Malaysian airplane, flight 17, a 777, crashed in the Ukraine. Rumor and speculation swirl over what happened to cause the crash and the deaths of 295 people of multiple nationalities. It appears that it was shot down by a missile, but by whom it is still muddy. Around the time of the […]
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WH Spokesman Dances Around Question
The public has grown accustomed to government avoiding the question. The politician, or spokesman, will continue to give their talking points as if that is enough. Both Republicans and democrats will do this and neither is very truthful. White House press secretary Josh Earnest was caught doing this exact thing when asked by Ed Henry […]
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