The shooting in Las Vegas was terrible, make no mistake about it. But, as someone who tries to look beyond the event, I had several thoughts. First off, how were the different sides going to react? I knew this question would all depend on the race, and religion of the shooter. What sickened me was […]
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Posts by ConservativeMe
Videos and the Media
I realized as I watched the news that I’m becoming more and more skeptical of videos shown on the news (and audio clips). Such videos no longer have that same shock impact, or unbiased observer they once had years ago where a video was proof positive of what happened. News agencies are being caught more […]
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Alejandro Villanueva Stands
Well last weekend a Pittsburgh Steeler, Alejandro Villanueva, came out of the locker room and stood for the national anthem. Doing so was his right, the same right Kaepernick had to kneel. But Villanueva was forced to apologize for his actions while Kap did not. So what’s the difference between the two? Villanueva stood which […]
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Snowflakes Mentally Tough?
A few months ago my leftist friends posted a lot of things about how they were not snowflakes. They were mentally tough, and so on and so forth. I let it go, wasn’t worth anything back then. Fast forward to today and things have changed quite a bit now. The left has become more of […]
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Well, I’ve been gone for a month or so, and quite honestly needed the break, and then hurricanes Harvey and Irma hit and with so many other things real life has been, well a bitch. I do hope to post some new stuff soon. Needed a break from the endless stupidity of the left which […]
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Obama Day!
Well, it appears that Illinois has gone though and passed a bill which would make August 4, a state holiday. However, you wouldn’t get the day off if you were a state employee. Now,my thought on all of this, utter nonsense. Not for it at all. Then again, I wouldn’t be for it if a […]
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Milkshakes, Comics and Tweets
So, there’s been a storm in the comic’s universe lately, aside from the whole SJW is ruining Marvel thing, this was something else. It appears that a Marvel editor, Heather Antos, posted a pic on twitter of her and several other female employees. Now, go back years ago before all this SJW triggering over every […]
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Military Transgenders
This meme explains things quite well.
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Britain to Ban New Gas Cars by 2040
So, reading though the news and saw this. Now I’m all for a cleaner environment and such, but these type of laws always make me wonder if the people who wrote it and passed it understand what will happen? The obvious thing, its not eliminating gas and diesel cars in 2040, but no new cars […]
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Cop Shoots Australian Woman
By now, the news of what happened in Minneapolis may have reached you. A woman from Auatraila called the cops and upon approaching the officers was shot by one of the officers. This is something of a dream for those anti-cop hating leftists. So it begs the question where is the outrage from them?
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Fake News?
Got this one from the folks over at liberallogic101, check them out.
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I was watching some videos about Colin Kaepernick and reading through the comments when something struck me, an observation if you will. A person is racist if they do not support Kap. Think about that statement. A person is racist if they don’t support Kap. They are saying it doesn’t matter who you support, what […]
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One Man and History
We often hear about how I’m only one person, what can I do? As it turns out, a lot if history has anything to say about it. A young man, wanting freedom for his country went about to gain that freedom. However, his actions would shape an entire century for better or worse. He was […]
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Things That Make You Go, Huh?
George Clooney, the actor who has been outspoken against Trump and his stand against illegal immigration. Clooney has stated that the President is an ‘idiot’ and is ‘intolerant’. Clooney went so far as to move from the US, one of the few who did, to the UK. HE’s even said the following about Angela Merkel’s […]
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