So, saw this image about states, voter ID, and who they voted for: I can’t say for certain this image is correct in that all states with no voter ID went to Harris and those states with voter ID went to Trump, but it is a bit interesting. However it doesn’t mean that one influenced […]
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United States
The 4Bs and Left Wing Women
There is a new trend for left wing women, and its not shaving their heads. Its the 4Bs. Don’t know what they are, simple: No Dating No Marriage No Sex No Kids This list has left wing women hoping men are shaking in their boots.
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Democrat Party Civil War?
Its been a week since the election and the fact Trump won the election easily despite mainstream media claims and things have started to settle down a bit with the dust clearing. What’s become clear is there is a split in the Democrat party. To many this might seem like something new and even perhaps […]
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Media Deception
So, reading some news headlines came across an article titled this by the AP: “Thousands rally in Georgia to question the vote and demand a new election” With the 2024 Presidential Election having just finished, many areas wrapping up recently it was interesting. Georgia had been in the news recently due to an election court […]
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Democrat Campaign Failure
With the victory of Trump to a second term as President it brought up the question, what happened? As so many of us celebrate Trump’s victory the left and democrats are melting down with shock. They cannot understand what happened. This is because of a couple of things. The biggest problem was the issues democrats […]
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A Dark Conspiracy to a Dictator
I am going to start this post by giving a disclaimer. This is a conspiracy idea, not factual, nor is it real (at least I hope it never become real). We are closer than ever before in our history as a country to having a dictator. No, I do not mean Trump, or anything the […]
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So, the democrats have finally gone through and pushed ahead for impeachment against President Trump. This time they are going after him for hindering the 2020 elections. First, let’s think about this for a second. The 2020 election. Yep, considering we do not know who the democratic candidate will be for the election, the democrats […]
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Captain Marvel
First off, I have had no desire to see this move. It has nothing to do with the actress, sexism or racism. I’m just sick of superhero movies and haven’t seen one in about five years. That said, I have been watching this train-wreck of a PR disaster for a while now. It starts off […]
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Media Problems
So far, 2019 is not yet two months old, we are about 50 days into the new year and already there has been a lot going on in the world of media and journalists. Let’s look at three of the biggest stories against the leftist media. Let’s start with the whole release of journalists from […]
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Swapping Roles
Not long ago a single picture sent the left into an unbridled rage. What was in the picture which was so bad? A kid in a MAGA hat smiling at a Native America beating a drum in his face. See, it had a white kid wearing a MAGA hat which was code to the left […]
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A lot has been said over the past year or two about the entire #MeToo movement. And like so many things which start out with a positive, there is also a dark side which so many ignore. First off I’ll start by saying men should treat women with respect. That really should go without saying. […]
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Abortion is a topic I generally shy away from because its so hotly debated and there really seems like no good answer. Since Pandora’s Box was opened the debate has raged. Should we allow abortions or not? Generally the debate was logical, well, as logical as one can get with this topic which people have […]
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Arresting Roger Stone
It appears twenty-seven officers of a SWAT team were involved, along with over a dozen vehicles, helicopter and boats were all involved to make an arrest. What type of dangerous person could they have been after. A dug dealer? No Mafia hit man? No Bin Laden? No It was to arrest a sixty-six year old […]
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The Kid, the Native American and the Left
By now most of us have seen the video, or at least the picture of the teen with a MAGA hat on and the Native American. The left, as typical saw the picture and quickly came to a conclusion. The teen was bullying and being demeaning to the Native American. The legion of loyal leftists […]
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Gillette’s Commercial
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, and you might want to, you’ve seen or heard about Gillette’s recent commercial. I’ve seen a lot of different replies to the ad, but I’d like to add something. Personally I view the commercial as a failure. Yes, a failure. Oh sure, the left is rejoicing about how […]
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