Well, what do you want to know?
I live in the United States of America, and I am proud of my country.
I enjoy a lot of things, from sports to fine arts, reading to movies. I enjoy watching and playing sports, including football, hockey, baseball, golf, bowling and tennis. Reading a good sci-fi book is nice, and movies I prefer a good comedy over a horror.
Politically I lean more conservative than liberal on many issues, but not all of them. That’s like most people. I do have concerns about where our politicians are taking this great country. So why call it ConservativeMe, because that’s what my far left friends think I am.
I decided to create this blog to sound off on news events and such. This is my take on things, I do not speak for any majority, minority, or for anyone else besides me. If anything I say offends you, perhaps you should look in the mirror first.
Trolls, they are out there, I will reply once, that’s it. I try not to make it a hobby not to get dragged down into typical name calling that the left does often. Also, the comment section is open only for a week on newly posted articles. This is due to heavy spam despite blockers.
You can also check me out on twitter, at ConservativeMe@conservativeme4
Or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iamconservativeme