
So there is all this mess about recounts and liberals being whiny about how Trump isn’t their President.

However, if somehow, but some strange twist of fate of the universe the election is overturned and Hillary suddenly becomes President elect, will things calm down.

I seriously doubt it.  In fact, I have a feeling that the country would feel even more divided now than it was when Trump won.  Millions would feel that the election was stolen from them.  Remember, Hillary didn’t win a popular vote, for that you need 50% plus 1.

Its doubtful that liberals would be as gracious in victory as conservatives have been.  There would be thousands of liberals stating for Conservatives to grow up, especially if they went with the same message that Hillary is not their President.

Imagine the bad-mouthing liberals would do if conservatives went out into the street to protest, shut down traffic, whined non-stop.  Said they felt fearful for the future, and more.

Liberals only seem to like to divide the country more and more.  I see nothing from the left which would bring about healing within the nation.  All Hillary and the left would do is divide it even more.


CNN Airs Porn

It appears that in one area of the CNN viewership they got an unexpected surprise when they tuned in on Thanksgiving Evening.  Instead of a news report, “Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown”, whoever was working had too much turkey.

For 30 minutes they were able to watch some hardcore porn.

The only real question becomes, why did it take 30 minutes for the local CNN employees to recognize the mistake, and was it that long before any viewer actually called in.

Or were they enjoying the porn more than what news program they would have been shown?

Either way, I suspect someone is going to be fired.


Political Racism and Sexism

Often we hear, especially from the left, that this person or group is racist, or sexist.  But is it?  Do they really think that way or is it all political?

Take the following statement:

She should be in the kitchen, not making speeches, after all that’s where a woman belongs.

That, I think, every can agree is a sexist statement.

Now, let’s put this in perspective as political sexism, and for this I will be calling out both left and right on this.

First off, lets say this is said by a conservative about Hillary Clinton.  The left goes berserk over this and claims all conservatives are sexist.  The papers pick it up and run with it solidify the false ide that all conservatives think this way. Continue reading…


PC Killing Debate

It’s been more than a week since Trump won. It was a surprise. In fact the entire election this year was a surprise, full of everything you could imagine.
While watching many of the news videos from election day I ran across an interesting discussion from one guest a local news station, I think in Arizona, had on. Her comment made perfect sense, especially when I considered how little the election debate centered on issues.
She had been in Britain during the Brixit election. She stated Political Correctness hurt the debate. During that election immigration was a huge topic, but yet no one talked about it. Why? She said no one brought it up out of fear of being labeled an islamophobic by the PC crowd. As a result the debate was in hushed whispers between others. You had a key issue and no one wanted to talk about it out of fear of being labeled. Continue reading…


Leader of the Pack

Years ago I watched a TV show about body language.  It showed many different ways we communicate using body language.  It even went on to tell about how then President Bush acted around other leaders.

Two things were shown.  One, when walking with a pack of leaders, Bush was always out in front.

Second was a greeting with Putin in Russia who was greeting other leaders.  Putin had lined up for his photo ops a way to show power over others.  He stood on the left, the other leader stood on the right, and when shaking hands his hand was on top of the other leader’s hand.  It was a subtle show of ‘I’m stronger than you’ body language.

When Bush showed up, he accepted the position, but as the picture was taken, he pushed his shoulder in front of Putin.  Another sign of body language that I’m stronger than you.

I’ve never seen that leadership body language from Obama.  I can recall seeing him with other leaders, and he walked with or even behind some.  To me, that was a sign of a weak leader, not one who says follow me, I’m leading.

And of the two candidates Clinton never showed such body language.  Yet Trump always seemed to show it.  He leads.

Think this meme says it all:



Trump is Elected

It appears the US voters have spoken, electing Trump in what, according to news reporters, is a stunning upset.

Now, I hope there is some healing between democrats and republicans.  But alas, I don’t see it happening.

Even now liberals are spewing hate towards the voters of Trump.  How can one extend a peace branch when those you’re extending it to continue to rant and demean you?

Liberals, its time to wake up a bit.  American is tired of your rants, you’re safe zones, you’re calling everyone a name.

I hope for good things with President Trump, but he’ll be fighting liberals every day of his office.


I’m What

Well, according to Obama now, because I’m not voting for Hillary I must be a sexist person.

Simply fascinating considering eight years ago something similar took place with Obama.  If you were black and did not support Obama, you were considered a traitor to the black race, and if you were white, you were a racist.

This year, the liberals have once more pulled out this card.

Now, if you’re male and don’t support Hillary you must be doing so because you’re a sexist.  Even had a Hillary supporter actually tell me this to my face at work one day when talking politics.  He said the reason I can’t support Hillary is because she’s a woman.

This is the mindset which has elected Hillary.  Its not who is the best candidate for the left, but all about their agenda of calling the right names.  Keeping their view of the right in the public viewpoint.

Perhaps if they stopped taking everything as some fort of phobia things might get better.

Alas, I fear that will not happen.  Instead they will continue their path of calling people names.

Next election who knows what I’ll be called, homophobic, islamophobic, or something else they have made up.


Week 7 Predictions NFL

Got sick and missed the Thursday game, so I’ll skip that one.  A recap of last week:

Winners:  Texans, Bills, Lions, Patriots, Saints, Giants, Titans, Redskins, Chiefs, Seahawks, Cardinals

Losers: Broncos, Steelers, Bears

A good week, went 11-3 bringing the season total to 52-37

Now this weeks games, excluding Thursday’s game:

New York Giants vs. Los Angles Rams – Rams

Cleveland Browns vs. Cincinnati Bengals – Bengals

Washington Redskins vs. Detroit Lions – Lions

Oakland Raiders vs. Jacksonville Jaguars – Raiders

New Orleans Saints vs. Kansas City Chiefs – Saints

Buffalo Bills vs. Miami Dolphins – Bills

Baltimore Ravens vs. New York Jets – Ravens

Minnesota Vikings vs. Philadelphia Eagles – Eagles

Indianapolis Colts vs. Tennessee Titans – Colts

San Diego Chargers vs. Atlanta Falcons – Falcons

Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. San Francisco 49ers – Buccaneers

New England Patriots vs. Pittsburgh Steelers – Patriots

Seattle Seahawks vs. Arizona Cardinals – Cardinals

Houston Texans vs. Denver Broncos – Broncos


Youth Do Not Understand Socialism

Not really surprising at all when one things about it.  There was a video which came out talking about socialism and Millennials.

Its slightly disturbing to think that Millennials think Bush II killed more than Stalin.  Think about this, Stalin is reported to have killed some 20 million.  Iraq had in 2000 some 23 million people.  It would be as if Bush killed almost all of them, yet Iraq has some 37 million today.

Here is the video for you to watch.