
Its been 30 years that the Chernobyl incident happened.

In the early morning of April 26, 1986 the Chernobyl technicians were undertaking a drill when everything went wrong and the number four reactor exploded.

The Soviet Union would remain quiet until pressured after Swedish nuclear workers had problems getting into work.

Today the area is still contaminated and scientists say it will be centuries before it will be habitable again.

The question is have we learned anything about it?  That is still to be answered.

Currently there is a shield and Russia has a plan to build even bigger shield over the reactor.

Hopefully the thousands killed will be remembered and help solve future issues.



Hard to believe 100 years ago the world was at war, one of the deadliest known to man.

What made it deadly was the fact the tactics had been unchanged for decades, even centuries, yet the technology of war had advanced.

World War 1, or the Great War as it was called then, saw many first in world combat, like the bombing of civilian targets from aircraft, both zeppelins and bombers.  Tanks first made their appearance during this war, along with the submarine.

True the submarine had been around for some 50 years, including a use in the US Civil War.  But in WW1 it was finally used in large numbers and secured the role for which it would become famous, commerce raiding. Continue reading…


Testament of Society

By now, you might have heard the tragic story of a young man named Marques Gaines.

He went to a 7-11 about 4 AM, made a purchase and while walking outside the store approached by another man in a hoodie and knocked out.  Left lying in the street of traffic it was only inevitable that a car, in this case a taxi, ran him over and killed him.

The blame here should not be on the driver, but the bystanders nearby who screamed in disbelief when Gaines was struck. Continue reading…


9/11 and Saudi Arabia

Lately there have been several news reports involving Saudi Arabia and links to 9/11.

First off there is a bill in Congress to allow US citizens to sue the Saudi Arabia’s government over what happened.  Many, including Ryan and McConnell are against the bill and the Saudi government itself has threatened reparations if the bill is passed.

But more than that, reading comments about the story are the people who are linking this to the conspiracy of 9/11.  We all know the one, in which the US government (Bush or Cheney) not only knew of the attack but were responsible for it. Continue reading…


Today’s Youth

Was watching several YouTube videos about kids playing old NES games and something struck me.  These kids sucked at old games which should have been easier to play.  Only eight directions on the gamepad, two buttons, A or B, and yet they lacked decision making.

Three games, Contra, Mega Man and Super Metroid the kids all did the same thing.  They started running around until they ran into enemies and, logically, they had no idea what to do.

It took some several minutes to even figure out they could shoot back. Continue reading…


Houston Flooding

Many times in national news, if its not the East or West coast it doesn’t make the news.

So, to all those in Houston, hoping you are staying dry and safe after all the rain and with more rain in the forecast hoping and praying that things do not get worse.

Did hear a disturbing report that some employers, schools and even a government agency called its employees, or students telling them they must report to work/school or face consequences.

With work it was up to termination, government fines and such and students were told by some professors that they might be docked a grade, score or even a test if they failed to show up.

All this despite many warning on the news and other government agencies to stay home due to flooding.  Many roads were flooded making things dangerous for people.

Guess it just shows how we’ve lost common sense in today’s world.

Stay safe Houston.


Science and Liberals

Recently there has been murmuring by the left over questioning, and rejecting, of Global Warming or Climate Change as others call it.  The left want to make it so anyone who questions, or denies, CC can be tossed in jail.

In other words they don’t want to be question over the science of CC.

They claim the science is over, everything has been decided on this issue because science say its over.

I go by something my Chemistry teacher in college said, always question science because they do make mistakes and if no one question the mistakes are never caught. Continue reading…