Liberal Apologists

Looking though many liberal websites and such the realization that liberals are out of touch with reality is apparent.  Indeed, the night of the radical muslim attacks on Paris, MSNBC had on a person who said what the real reason for the attacks were. Did they blame religion? No. Did they blame muslims? No. Did they […]
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White House Refuses to Believe in Radical Muslims

With recent radical muslim terror attacks on places like Paris there is growing confusion on why the White House continues to ignore such actions.  They seem to want to believe that islam could never produce such people. With islam having some 1.3 billion followers, and experts saying between 5-15% of them are radicals, that’s at […]
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Obama Again Shows Lack of Leadership

Once again the Obama Administration has shown a lack of leadership in regards to what is going in the world.  Recently there was a terrorist attack in Paris.  This has thrust radical muslims onto the center stage of the world. In a surprising show of unity against such actions by the radical muslim groups, one […]
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Howard Dean: Paris Killers Not Muslim

Well, another wacky liberal has opened his mouth and spouted what every liberal is thinking.  This liberal is Howard Dean and his comments were about the recent terror attack in Paris. “You know, this is a chronic problem. I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists. They’re about as Muslim as I am. I mean, they […]
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Busy News Day Yesterday

Two major events happened yesterday. First off, Malaysian Flight 17, a 777 airliner, was shot down by a missile over Ukraine.  Now things were confusing at first, and some on CNN even said there was no way a missile could have done this.  By the afternoon the US had come out saying it had been […]
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Typical Smear Campaign

Has everyone heard about the young woman Kendall Jones, a Texas Tech cheerleader.  She’s the one who posted pictures of her hunting animals and the left completely freaked out about it. Well, true to their form, their attacks have gotten even worse.  Its beyond despicable, bus also so typical of their attacks on people who […]
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Black Candidate’s Sign Defaced

So, how many of you have heard of the young African-American who is running for congressional office whose sign was attacked.  Her face in the picture was spray-painted white, with only the eyes and mouth left untouched. Not only is this an attack against blacks, but against women as well, or so liberals would say. Still have […]
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