Flag Burning

There has been a lot of news lately about flag burning, including if the government should make it illegal to do so. Personally, it is a freedom of speech, but one which those who do it fail to understand that doing so opens you up to rebuttal and criticism.  Burning the flag doesn’t make you […]
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Democrats in Censor Mode

The recent problems before the Democratic National Convention has spurned problems for social media as well. It started off with Wikileaks releasing a lot of the e-mails of the democratic party.  Many of these e-mails showed that there was a coordinated effort by high ranking democrats, and some with the media outlets, to go after […]
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Democrat Benghazi Report

So a few days ago the Democrats released their reply, to the then unreleased GOP Benghazi report. They went and mentioned Trump some 23 times more than two of the marines which were actually killed in the terror attack. Democrats then go on to say their report has no political agenda.  What? You go after […]
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Orlando Shooting Thoughts

The tragedy of the Orlando shooting should also be a wake up call to all Americans.  Instead we find the same, tiring rhetoric by the left.  We need to ban guns. But I have come away with three things which struck me. First, the moment the religion of islam was associated with the attack it was […]
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Anti-Trump Protesters

(Warning, language) Watching the news and videos and other sources and what do I see once again? Assholes! People going around causing violence at a Trump rally.  Yep, I am talking about the Anti-Trump crowd. I have steered clear of endorsing any candidate, but what these asses are doing can only be described as deplorable.  […]
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Voter Fraud?

Conservatives are used to being called out for wanting things like voter ID to help prevent voter fraud.  Constantly we’re told by liberals there is no such thing as voter fraud. It now appears this very idea has come back to hurt democrats in recently preliminaries within their own party. Bernie Sanders has given Hillary […]
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Democrat Delimma

The Democrats have a problem few are willing to speak about.  Everyone knows about the GOP problems with Trump and the leadership of the GOP.  Threats made back and forth, Trump not winning the nomination even if he gathers enough delegates. However, the Democrats have their own storm brewing centering around their two nominees.  Clinton […]
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Detroit Study

This comes from the great people over at www.liberallogic101.com But, liberals and democrats will continue to say is the governor’s fault, and Republicans despite no proof.  Though it is interesting to note that while many other areas of the state are doing better under Republican control, Detroit isn’t under democrat control.  
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