Another funny picture by those over at Liberal Logic 101, sadly, its true.
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Posts tagged with 'humor'
American Management
Yep, this pretty much sums it up and will give you a chuckle.
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Cops, Yep
This is why I think all cop haters are morons.
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Political Cartoon – Under Control
About sums it up:
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Obama’s UN Speech
Just a funny pic of Obama at the UN talking about ISIS.
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Political Cartoon – Obama’s Breifing
Seems to about sum up how Obama reads his briefings.
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Political Humor – ISIS Strategy
Great news, democrats have finally come up with a strategy:
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The Modern Democrat?
Saw this and had to chuckle.
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Border- Political Cartoon
Funny cartoon provided by Positively Republican!
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Obama’s Mess Picture Humor
Its so true, the country might have been messed up, but what democrats and Obama did made things worse, not better and prolonged the recovery.
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Wizard of Oz Political Cartoon
Yep, that about sums it up for our politicians. Found it on Facebook by a group called Sun Gazing.
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IRS E-Mail Humor
A bit of a humorous picture of what is believable in regards to the missing e-mails. I have to admit, right now, bigfoot is more believable than the excuses we’ve been getting from the IRS and the Whitehouse.
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