Liberals and Cops

For the past year there has been a war going on, one which isn’t reported in the media.  Its the liberal war against cops.

Oh, they don’t say there is, but their actions speak louder than anything else.  Show two stories from different areas of the USA.

First, Chicago, a place which has had a democrat mayor since 1931!  A place up North, a home to liberals and tolerance, right?  Not according to a recent article from several news agencies. Continue reading…


Michael Moore Boycotts North Carolina

Well, adding to the list of Springsteen and Adams, Michael Moore has come forth as well.  He has made it know that his films will not be shown in North Carolina.

Mr. Moore, how is this a punishment?

The way I see it, this is a blessing.  Will you do this to every state that passes such laws.  If so, I’ll do everything I can to make sure its passed in my state as well.

Of course no one really cares about Mr. Moore, so he has to do something to remain in the spotlight.



There seems to be a lot of news going on about bathrooms lately.

North Carolina passed a law recently about keeping boys in boys bathrooms and girls in girls bathrooms.  Seems like a bunch of liberals have freaked out over this.

First it was Bruce Springsteen cancelling shows in ND, then Brian Adams, never mind the fact he recently performed in Egypt in a country which does a lot worse to groups like gays.

Why is common sense lacking here?

Simple, its on the liberal agenda.  Its something else they feel they can push under the guise of ‘tolerance’.  Their feeling that transgendered people are being treated unfairly overrides any common sense in this issue. Continue reading…


Racism is Taught

Racism is taught.  That line is something liberals tell us over and over again, and I’ll admit it is true.

However, there is something just as damaging which liberals forget.  That recognizing racism must also be taught.

Yes we must look and be taught what is consider racism and what isn’t.  Liberals have forgotten this part which is can be explained easily.

Take the confederate flag which in the past year underwent a large banning campaign by liberals and the political correctness machine.  They went out and told us it has only one meaning, and that was racism.  With this one and only meaning they went forth trying to ban it from anything and everything. Continue reading…


Colloge Campuses Gone Wild

Nope, this isn’t one of those X-rated things, though that actually has more intelligence behind it than what’s happening lately on college campuses.

The darlings of the educational system, the liberal students full of tolerance for the LGBT, and muslims are showing a different side lately during the election this year.   Its a side of ugliness and intolerance and misunderstanding which shows upon their education and the education system.

First we had the ‘Chalking’, a horrible and painful experience for the students when they saw written upon the sidewalks and walls something unspeakable to them. Continue reading…


Democrat Delimma

The Democrats have a problem few are willing to speak about.  Everyone knows about the GOP problems with Trump and the leadership of the GOP.  Threats made back and forth, Trump not winning the nomination even if he gathers enough delegates.

However, the Democrats have their own storm brewing centering around their two nominees.  Clinton and Sanders.

After the Wisconsin primaries Hillary would seem to have a comfortable lead, 1748 to 1058.  The problem is Hillary appears to be losing ground to Sanders, who seems to be gaining strength as he won Wisconsin.

Where the real problem comes into play, the Democratic leaders and media.  They are all in with Hillary and have been for a while now and the citizens are not as in love with Hillary as the leadership is.

This is despite the fact that for the past couple of years the media has gushed over Hillary, ignoring, or downplaying any problem she might have in an attempt to lead her to the White House.  Earlier in the election Sanders won the popular vote of a state, yet Hillary still gained more votes due to the super delegates going to Hillary.

If Hillary doesn’t gather enough votes for gain 2383 delegates what will the Democrat leadership do?

There are still a lot of votes left, but the Democrat leadership is worried.  The party is splitting under pressure and it appears the two candidates are leading many questioning how these two became the best the party could put forward.


Election Numbers

Its been a while since the numbers were updated so here we go.

On the democrat side in what’s always been a two horse race, the front runner is still Hillary Clinton.  Though Sanders has won several states recently Hillary still leads 1712 to 1011 with 2383 delegates needed to win.

The Republican side has been full of nastiness by all camps, including democrats.  A winner needs 1237 delegates, and right now Trump leads with 736, Cruz in second with 463 and Rubio with 171.

Its proving to be an interesting election year with tempers flaring on every side only showing that the American voter is angry and no one has a plan.