follow the money from the taxpayer to the DNC through PP.
Clinton E-Mails
After so much time and liberals say over and over again that the e-mails don’t matter suddenly its discovered that at least 20 such e-mails are so sensitive they cannot be released. In fact, the FBI agents doing the reading have to be cleared just to read them.
Yet, liberals continued to defend Hillary.
They don’t care what she did. They would rather have this lying woman as President than a Republican in office, that is how great their hatred of the right goes. Continue reading…
Real Baby Killers
Okay, here is a great meme:
Think about this, if you are for abortions, then turn around and call soldiers baby killers, what does that make you? You support abortion, which is in fact killing babies. Oh, they use the terms ‘fetuses’ and such to make it sound better. But the bottom line is, abortions do kill babies.
Next time you hear a liberal call a soldier a baby killer, ask if they support abortion. Chances are, they do, and are a hypocrite.
Space Shuttle Challenger
It was 30 years ago today when NASA had its first real shuttle tragedy.
When the first space shuttle went up, it was a great sense of accomplishment. The USA had a space vehicle which we could reuse multiple times. The future looked bright.
Then we were slapped in the face with reality.
Space travel is dangerous. Accidents will happen. We had become too careless in a universe which doesn’t forgive mistakes.
Sadly, the lesson learned was one of over-cautiousness.
In a way the tragedy is a microcosm of our society. One which is unwilling to take risks anymore no matter the potential for reward. We want redundant and triple redundant systems to make sure nothing could ever happen.
People toss around works like lawsuits if too much risk is involved.
When did we go from being pioneers and inventers to one unwilling to take risk?
These seven astronauts understood risk. Its too bad their courage isn’t rewarded by continuing to undertake risks to further science, humanity and ourselves.
Trump Missing Debate
The latest is now Donald Trump is going to miss the FOX News debates because he thinks Megan Kelly isn’t fair. Only a couple of thoughts on this one.
I can’t say I really care much about this bit of news or that I’m even hyped upon another Republican debate. They’ve had too many so far and now seem water down and don’t give us much information anymore. Its almost become a joke.
On the flip side you have the Democrat debates which are even a bigger joke.
The debates are not even a spot for debating anymore, it all about the talking points. In a way, by Donald Trump missing this debate and making a big deal about it more people might actually tune in.
Perhaps its time to end the news channel debates. No one, aside from news people, even listen to them anymore.
Flint Water Crisis
Yes, democrats really do think people are this stupid to believe that Republicans are solely to blame:
Media in 2015
According to the Media Research Center, which tracks how much the media, in this case, CBS, NBC, ABC evening news, it shows what they are telling those who watch.
for example, the largest number was devoted to crime, more specifically, shootings which involved cops shooting someone, which amounted to over 13 hours.
What was the least covered stories for:
No wonder people who only watch ABC, CBS and NBC for their news are so uninformed.
Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments
Is it true that she actually said this, its unverified, but other replies to the question though have been just as vague. So it is a simi-accurate reply. She does ramble and say nothing when asked.