And this is why I’m conservative and not liberal.
This Day in History
December 17 is actually an important day in history. Know what it is?
The first real, successful flight of a powered heavier than air aircraft. The Wright brothers day where they tested their flying machine which would become known as planes, aircraft, airplanes, ufos, etc.
Its truly amazing how far the science of flying has come in such a short amount of time. There have been many failures, but you can’t have success without failure. Many times those failures spurred success. Continue reading…
Santa Also Prays
Heard about this, or seen the picture?
A 4 year old visits Santa and asks for a train, but also to pray for a baby in need who the boy doesn’t even know. Now many people would say no, or make up some other excuse, especially in today’s anti-Christian world, but not this Santa.
Nope, this Santa said all right. So they got down and prayed for a baby and family in need. Continue reading…
French Raid Mosques
If you listen to normal new media outlets in the US, you would be hard-pressed to see any story about this. But it seems French authorities raided several mosques and what they found, slightly disturbing.
Kalashnikov ammunition and ISIS propaganda videos were seized in raids following the closure of a mosque in the Paris suburbs, French authorities said.
For those who are not aware, Kalashnikov ammunition is used in such guns as the AK-47 and other assault rifles (the very guns which are banned). Continue reading…
Pearl Harbor Day
74 years ago today marks the day the United States officially became involved in the war which would be known in history as World War 2.
On that day, the Japanese navy, using six carriers, struck a blow aimed at crippling the United States navy. Whether or not they did is debatable, but what they did do was unite the public against them.
Today many look back upon what happened with conspiracies. I have yet to actually read any which are worthwhile and have a lot of good thought behind it. Its like saying FDR was capable of running a marathon while he was President.
Pearl Harbor was a carefully crafted attack which was part of a larger plan drawn up by Japanese leaders. It should not be forgotten, nor should its lessons be forgotten.
Many Americans were enjoying a Sunday afternoon, late morning or lunch when the news of the attack came to them. The next day in a speech to Congress FDR asked for a decoration of war which was to have occurred from the moment the attack began.
Today visitor can still see the ruins of the USS Arizona and even the USS Utah, both of which were sunk on that day.
If you have never been, go, the history is amazing.
Saw this and thought it is true. Sure, some will argue that a gun isn’t a tool, but it is a tool with a specific purpose, to shoot a projectile (its at what which makes it good or bad depending on the person using it).
Radical Islam
With the recent shooting and attacks on Paris, its time the left understands what Cruz said.
You cannot win a war if you cannot even know who the enemy is. Then again, sometimes I wonder if the left is more concerned with being Anti-Christian than anything else.
Your ‘Safe’ Place
Don’t let bad reality get in your view of life. And hope you don’t see someone’s laptop with a confederate flag image on it.
Confederate Flag has College Students Seeking Counseling
So, this story is a couple of days old now, but I needed that long to come to terms with this amount of stupidity being shown by our colleges.
In a place where the left saws there is tolerance and diversity, they once again show it is only for things they hold dear and nothing else will be tolerated.
So, not long ago a student saw that another student had an image (an image mind you) on their laptop.
This about the stupidity of this. This student was so ‘upset’ they went and filed a bias incident with the college over this. They are so fail and thinned skinned they can’t even take the sight of an image. Continue reading…
Fitness Tests Are There for A Reason
Have you heard of this latest report:
Female Firefighter Fails Physical Breaks Foot After 10 Days?
IF the story is actually true, or not, there is a lesson to be learned here.
Imagine this, your house is on fire, you are inside lying there unconscious due to smoke. Do you want a firefighter who is fit, passed his (or hers) tests or that person who failed but still made it in due to some outside pressure to allow more ‘x’ type of people in?
You life is on the line, reality, not some game you can reset.
There are some jobs in this world where you must meet some physical, or mental, ability to perform. Its called reality.
You’re going for brain surgery, do you want that professor with a PhD in English? She/he is smart. Or do you want the person who trained and studied medicine?
Its too bad that as a society we have no problem pushing for people who are unfit for a job to get that job. Then we wonder why things are so messed up. Perhaps if we came back to reality instead of the fantasy land we like to live in things would get better.
If you are not physically fit for a job, that is reality. Reality will not care about your feelings, ego or pride. If you can’t lift that firehose, you are not fit to be a firefighter.
Yes, it is that simple.