Presidential Candidates

I do not know about you, but I have not been too interested in potential candidates for the US President yet.

In my opinion its too early for such campaigning, yet both sides are already both sides are turning out candidates, spending money and journalists are already pushing their favorites (can we say Clinton).

I view it like seeing Christmas decorations in your favorite store in August.

Yuck! Continue reading…


How Things Are

Reading through a history book I stumbled across a story which has remarkable resemblance to today’s world.

Captian Cowper Coles in the British navy didn’t get his way when the British navy designed several ships in the early 1960s, so he took his fight public where, with public support he pressured the navy into a ship of Coles design.  Coles was part of ever process, overriding chief naval architects of the time. Continue reading…


Gold In September

We live in a crazy world, politics, liberals, conservatives, and independents all trying for attention.  We have everything going on from people shooting cops, race, China, stock market and beyond.

But let’s take a time out here and share another story.

A girl named Annie when she was 11 years old noticed everyone wearing pink for breast cancer awareness.  Now Annie had a twin brother, named Jack, who was fighting cancer at the time and had an amazing thought:

“When a child is diagnosed with cancer it affects the family and the community.  It’s devastating.  My goal is to get everyone thinking about and wearing gold in September so we can bring an end to childhood cancer.”

Its a lofty goal, and one that is worth pursuing.

Are you going to help, or will all you see is this is a conservative blog and ignore it?


Trump and Ramos

By now everyone has seen the exchange between Donald Trump and ‘reporter’ Jorge Ramos when Trump tossed the later out of his press conference.

As anyone could have guessed the liberals are crying racism and everything else while ignoring the facts, something they are good at, while trying to evoke an emotional response from the reader.

Fact, Ramos jumped ahead of line to shout out his question when someone else was called upon. Continue reading…


McDonalds in Taiwan

So browsing around in the news yesterday and ran across this article.

Customers Flock to See ‘McDonald’s Goddess’ Working at Taiwan Resturant

Seems as of Wei Han Xu has become something of an internet sensation.  Why not, she is good looking, and cute.  Probably get’s more customers this way, and according to the article they hire good looking girls to serve the counters and they can wear such outfits.

However if they tried this in the USA.  Oh boy, the liberals would be out in seconds.

They would be screaming about how she was being sexualized, and probably want the managers sued and the corporation to be fined.  They would also probably bring in war against women, evil corporations, and rich people.

To be sure I’m almost positive some on the far right would be upset as well.

We are a nation in which a school in Kentucky sent home a girl because of a ‘revealing’ outfit.  Guess I’ve been going to the mall too much, seen a lot more ‘revealing’ outfits there than I did on that girl.

In an age where we have to work to stand out, we can’t stand out like this otherwise the feminists and liberals get upset.