follow the money from the taxpayer to the DNC through PP.
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Posts tagged with 'democrats'
Clinton Supporters
And liberals say they are not blind sheep.
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Flint Water Crisis
Yes, democrats really do think people are this stupid to believe that Republicans are solely to blame:
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Background Checks
Its amazing how Obama and liberals flip flop over such things.
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The Obamacare law didn’t make healthcare better, cheaper, simpler, or more manageable. It added more laws, rules, regulations and everything else which will make things more expensive in the long run for everyone. Good job democrats.
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Radical Islam
With the recent shooting and attacks on Paris, its time the left understands what Cruz said. You cannot win a war if you cannot even know who the enemy is. Then again, sometimes I wonder if the left is more concerned with being Anti-Christian than anything else.
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Republican Debates
So, we have a third Republican debate tonight. There are just a few thoughts before the debate. Still a bit too early for such debates, and to start running for office. Personally I think there should be a law there is nothing until the year you vote in. In other words, no debates, no announcing […]
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Democratic Debate
Yep, this about sums it up.
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The Democrat Choice
Really, democrats have little to choice from this upcoming election. This really does sum it all up, except for the fact they are both, old, white people. Who will Samuel L. Jackson vote for now?
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Democrats Hate Netanyahu
Democrats have for a while been against Netanyahu but recently things have escalated. With Boehner’s recent invite of Netanyahu to speak to Congress the Obama Administration has ‘retaliated’ over this. They have sent a team to work with Netanyahu’s political opponent using taxpayer dollars.
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Truth About Terrorists
This is very true, yet the left, liberals and democrats refuse to accept that there is such a thing as a radical muslim killing people in the name of islam.
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The Illegal Game
Immigration has been quite the hot topic ever since the election, in which the Republicans won the Senate and kept the House. President Obama has gone on to focus on this topic. Really, you hear from both sides the normal talking points, especially democrats lately about how this is a topic which needs desperate resolution. […]
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Pelosi Distancing Herself From Gruber
Recently one of the architects of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, came out with a very damning view of the American voter. He was caught stating that view, not once, but twice on camera. Now, other liberal sources are quickly running to prevent any damage to their already battered image. The media isn’t saying much, and ignoring it […]
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More Bad News for Democrats
A week ago democrats were staggering under the weight of an election onslaught which left them shaking their heads in dismay. They had lost control of the Senate despite their best push of anti-Republican rhetoric. Now comes another blow to the party. Republicans are now more popular than democrats. Yep, you heard right according the […]
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Obama Should Heed Republians on Amnesty
Obama told the nation, not even 24 hours after the elections, that he was going to go ahead with amnesty. But perhaps he should heed Republicans on this one for once. After all, both Boehner and McCarthy in a recent luncheon gave some harsh words to Obama over amnesty. Amnesty seems to be the only […]
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