New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has made another comment about how and where New Yorkers should go eat. This time his target is a company called Chick-fil-A over the views of the CEO. “Chick-fil-A is anti-LGBT,” he said. “This group imparts a strong anti-LGBT message by forcing their employees and volunteers to adhere to a […]
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Posts tagged with 'Liberals'
Science and Liberals
Recently there has been murmuring by the left over questioning, and rejecting, of Global Warming or Climate Change as others call it. The left want to make it so anyone who questions, or denies, CC can be tossed in jail. In other words they don’t want to be question over the science of CC. They […]
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Socialism is control by the government, doesn’t matter what government.
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Another great meme from the folks over at
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There seems to be a lot of news going on about bathrooms lately. North Carolina passed a law recently about keeping boys in boys bathrooms and girls in girls bathrooms. Seems like a bunch of liberals have freaked out over this. First it was Bruce Springsteen cancelling shows in ND, then Brian Adams, never mind […]
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Racism is Taught
Racism is taught. That line is something liberals tell us over and over again, and I’ll admit it is true. However, there is something just as damaging which liberals forget. That recognizing racism must also be taught. Yes we must look and be taught what is consider racism and what isn’t. Liberals have forgotten this […]
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Colloge Campuses Gone Wild
Nope, this isn’t one of those X-rated things, though that actually has more intelligence behind it than what’s happening lately on college campuses. The darlings of the educational system, the liberal students full of tolerance for the LGBT, and muslims are showing a different side lately during the election this year. Its a side of ugliness […]
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Erasing America
Sadly Rush, the liberals are helping it out by spreading anti-American sentiment all over and it started with multiculturism which is the opposite of what the melting pot was.
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Trump Hate
There has been a lot of people rushing forward claiming that Trump is a racist. Trump supporters are racist. Trump is a hateful man and so are his supporters. Yet, the group which appears the most hateful and violent, the anti-Trump group. Trump and his family have received death threats from the tolerant left, and […]
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Chalk Writing of Trump 2016 ‘Pains’ Emory Students
The liberals and their thin-skinned knows now bounds anymore. At a higher place of learning the public has learned how tolerant the student body is of an opponent to what they support. Its okay to write, in chalk, that one supports Sanders in the upcoming election. That’s an expression of free speech after all. But […]
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A Mother’s Fear?
Fake or not, it does accurately portray a sentiment among certain people in this country. After all, its almost what Nautika Harris said about her cousin Trevon Jackson who was killed while attempting to rob a home. The left doesn’t want people defending themselves.
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Nelson Mandela
I guess South Africa is racist for encouraging voter ID to vote. If they can do it South Africa, why can’t we do it here? Voter ID laws are not racist no matter what the left claims.
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Refugees Welcome?
Came across this: In the typical liberal twisted way they are telling women rape only lasts 30 seconds but racism is forever? I’m sure every woman who has been raped forgets what happened the moment its over. Muslim refugees have no respect to Western culture, or women yet liberals want us to roll over and […]
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Sanders Supporters
I can’t say this is true, yet the stupidity of Sanders supporters makes such memes sound truthful. If it is true, it only shows how dumb and ignorant Sanders supporters really are.
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