Obama Losing MSNBC on Terrorism

The far left has generally been in sync with the Obama Administration when it comes to talking about radical islamic terror with groups such as isis.  However in recent days after isis murdered 21 Christians even MSNBC broke from the administration

Ed Schultz and Chris Matthews both stated not only that the people killed where Christian, but it was done by isis which was a radical islamic state.

Ed Schultz said the following about isis:

The brutal act of violence is clearly a gross display of what ISIS is capable of, what they’re motivated about, and what they are really all about. And I think this act of mass murder amounts to a religious war. Now we all have our own interpretations at this point. This continues to go on. At this point these people were targeted, as I see it, and murdered because of their faith.

It is interesting to not that he calls this a religious war and the people were killed because of their faith.  That is something Obama cannot even attempt to say to the public.

Schultz doesn’t stop there, he goes on to criticize Obama’s strategy for fighting isis.

And why would we tell ISIS there’s no way we would ever put ground troops in combat situations?

Of course it wasn’t only Schultz criticizing Obama.  Chris Matthews joined in.  The same person who got a tingle up and down his leg over Obama is now criticizing him.

America, our country, is being morally humiliated.

He thinks isis is humiliating the USA thanks to Obama.  When interviewing State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf Matthews said this about one of her responses.

We’re not going to be able to stop that in our lifetime or fifty lifetimes. There’s always going to be poor people. There’s always going to be poor Muslims, and as long as there are poor Muslims, the trumpet’s blowing and they’ll join. We can’t stop that, can we?

Its time the administration start calling things for what they are.  Each day they refuse to do so they lose credibility across the world.



Obama Again Hesitates

In a growing number of incidents that show how little decisive action this President does, a new example has popped up.  Recently three American prisoners of isis have been killed.

However there are new reports which shed light about the Administration’s efforts to free the American captives.  It appears they were given intelligence about whereabouts the American captives.  The problem was how long it took to carry out a mission. Continue reading…


Obama’s War Plan Against ISIS Flawed

Recently President Obama sent his plan to fight isis to Congress for approval.  However, once again the president fails to understand how to fight, and win, a war with his resolution.

The draft comes away as too political and restricting to allow the military to fight this war.  Obama states that the majority of operations will be airstrikes with limited numbers of ground forces. Continue reading…


Obama Losing Egypt as an Ally

The Obama Administration is losing the ally of Egypt in the Middle East due to its policies according to senior Egyptian officials.  This flies in the face of what media reports about how Obama is doing overseas.

The media wants the American citizens to believe that Obama’s policies are making a safer world.  In fact its the opposite, the policies are making the world more dangerous, especially for Americans. Continue reading…


School Teaches Islam

Imagine this, a school teaches Christianity and part of the curriculum is to make a cross, pray, and to recite off the chalkboard some of the ten commandments.

The liberal left would have a field day over this.  They would crying over separation of church and state and probably lined up lawsuits against the school and teachers.  Continue reading…



It seems like we’re all hypocrites at one time or another.  But this one caught my attention and made me think.


Think about it for a second.  It makes sense.  Liberals get all upset about what the CEO of a company thinks because he/she is a Christian, demands a boycott, yet an Islamic country, person or company nothing happens to.

It shows how the left cannot criticize anything to do with islam.



Jordan Replies to ISIS

The radical muslim group, isis, went ahead with the execution of a Jordanian pilot in the most gruesome way possible.

They burned him before burying his body in rubble in a simulation of an air attack.

Now Jordan retaliated in the way they suggested they would.  They hung two terrorists, including one who isis wanted released. Continue reading…


Never Again

70 years ago the world fought against an evil tyranny who killed millions, including 6 million Jews.  The Nazis lined them up and killed them.  Developed efficient killing techniques to mass kill people.

The world was horrified when the realization of what happened came out.

Now, fast-forward 70 years there is a new group calling themselves isis who are doing the exact same thing.  The only difference, the left refuse to acknowledge this evil.  Its time to wake up, after all, didn’t we promise the world never again. Continue reading…