Just remember, there is nothing like free college or healthcare.
Democrats Hate Netanyahu
Democrats have for a while been against Netanyahu but recently things have escalated.
With Boehner’s recent invite of Netanyahu to speak to Congress the Obama Administration has ‘retaliated’ over this. They have sent a team to work with Netanyahu’s political opponent using taxpayer dollars. Continue reading…
The Patriots Have Landed
With everyone talking about deflategate from the Patriots game thought I’d give a bit of humor for it.
Honestly though, the amount of attention given to this is totally out of proportions.
Al Sharpton
This week Al Sharpton, liberal loud-mouth, made another comment which has people scratching their heads in wonder.
“Most important, he said ‘I’m going to fight to bring fairness to the tax code. The rich must pay more, and we must give tax credits to middle class and poor people.”
What makes it ironic is that Sharpton is still paying off a tax debt he owes of millions, and according to the NY Times is over $4 million. Continue reading…
Really Important
Thought I take a moment and pause in our hectic lives to give us all a reminder of what is really important, doesn’t matter if your conservative, liberal or moderate. Religious or atheist, or democrat or republican this can, and does, affect us all.
Children with cancer.
There is a group started by a young girl, who lost her brother to cancer, and she is trying to spread the word and help those. Its something we want to ignore, pretend doesn’t exist.
In fact its easier to fight with a liberal over abortion, guns and politics than it is to talk about a child with cancer. Continue reading…
SotU Need to be Cancelled
The numbers for the State of the Union is coming in, and its not rosy.
The early reports state that some 33.3 million people watched Obama give his speech. That number is the lowest since 2000 and Bill Clinton. Of course viewership of the speech has been going downhill anyways in an overall trend, and even Obama is not immune.
In Obama’s first year only drew 52.3 million, a low number for, what was then, a popular President. Continue reading…
State of the Union Address
Last night the President spoke for almost 60 minutes on the ‘State of the Union’ in the annual speech all President’s give. But did it really mean anything?
The truth of the matter, no!
All the State of the Union address does is give air time to the President for a long-winded speech upon which he says nothing. He goes out, tells his voters what they want to hear and its followed by the opposite party giving a ‘rebuttal’ speech to give their voters what they want to hear. Continue reading…
American Sniper
Well, there’s been a lot of talk going on about this movie lately. It went out and did very well over the weekend and suddenly found itself in the middle of a firestorm by liberals.
The movie went out and got Oscar nominations, and then the slamming by liberals began. First it was the irrelevant Michael Moore saying that snipers are cowards (because his dad told him that). Then it was Seth Rogan making comments about the movie (despite the defense of many of his film ‘The Interview’). Continue reading…
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King had a great vision, one that it appears those on the left no longer care about despite their rhetoric. Look at his classic speech, ‘I Have a Dream’.
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
He wanted these two groups to sit down at a table together, not be throwing insults at each other. Continue reading…
Terrorists Are Radical Muslims
There have been a few people, especially the left, who continue to come out refusing to acknowledge that the majority of terrorists in today’s world are radical muslims.
Here is an interesting question for the left who refuse to call terrorists radical muslims. Why then are the terror suspects held in Guantanamo Bay being allowed so much for their muslim faith? Continue reading…
White House Refuses to Believe in Radical Muslims
With recent radical muslim terror attacks on places like Paris there is growing confusion on why the White House continues to ignore such actions. They seem to want to believe that islam could never produce such people.
With islam having some 1.3 billion followers, and experts saying between 5-15% of them are radicals, that’s at least 65 million (or up to 195 million) radicals out there.
Yet the White House refuses to use that term to terrorists. Take the Paris terror attack and what Press Secretary Josh Earnest said about radical terrorists:
“These are individuals who carried out an act of terrorism, and they later tried to justify that act of terrorism by invoking the religion of Islam in their own deviant view of it… we have not chosen to use that label because it doesn’t seem to accurately describe what had happened.”
They desperately wish to disbelieve what is happening right in front of them.
Of course this might be islam’s fault. With a lack of clear leadership among its many groups islam is a fractured religion with many sides and faces. As long as groups like the White House refuse to acknowledge that it will continue to empower the more radical groups.
Of course anyone who dares criticize islam is considered an islamophobe. But perhaps they should heed the words of Abd Al-Rahman Al-Rashad, former director of Al-Arabiya TV:
Protests against the recent terrorist attacks in France should have been held in Muslim capitals, rather than Paris, because in this case it is Muslims who are involved in this crisis and stand accused, and are expected to declare their innocence. The story of extremism begins in Muslim societies, and it is with their support and silence that extremism has grown into terrorism that is harming people across the world.
Only when the muslim world starts to protest against such radicals will things change. It could be helped by those in the West admitting there are radical muslims.