Obama Again Shows Lack of Leadership

Once again the Obama Administration has shown a lack of leadership in regards to what is going in the world.  Recently there was a terrorist attack in Paris.  This has thrust radical muslims onto the center stage of the world.

In a surprising show of unity against such actions by the radical muslim groups, one of the largest rallies was held.  An estimated 1.6 million people attended, including leaders from 40 nations.

But not from the Obama Administration.

Now, I will concede that the logistics of getting the President there on such a short notice would be difficult at best.  However, you had a prominent person of the administration there in Eric Holder.

Holder failed to attend.

In a time when the world needs leadership against such radical muslim groups the Obama Administration showed you cannot look towards the USA to give that leadership.  Their absence was more telling than anything else.

In fact, many of the left groups in the USA still don’t want to categorize the attacks in Paris as from a muslim group.  People like Dean coming out saying the people doing the attacks were no more muslim than he was.

It is time the left, Democrats and liberals wake up the emerging danger of the radical muslims and the threat they pose to our very civilization and way of life.

The right understands, and stands up.  They also realize we lack a leader willing to stand up for our rights and freedoms.

Obama’s lack of leadership is becoming more apparent to everyone.  As a result he has actually made the world even more dangerous.


Anti-Cop Activist Learns Hard Reality

Recently Reverend Jarrett Maupin, a self-described protester against cops, was invited, and participated in a couple of training exercises which cops use for training.  What happened was an eye opening experience for Mr. Maupin.

After the training he had this to say:

“I didn’t understand how important compliance was,” he stated. “But after going through this, yeah, my attitude has changed.”  He goes on to say.  “This is all unfolding in ten to fifteen seconds… people need to comply with the orders of law enforcement officers for their own safety.”

He learned exactly what cops face in the real world, not the theoretical world many of the protesters live in. Continue reading…


Connecticut Teen Rejects Chemotherapy

A teenager, 17 years old, has rejected chemotherapy for her cancer.  As a result the state of Connecticut has determined she will take the procedure and has confined her to the hospital for treatments.

There is an interesting ideal at play here.  The state stepped in and over-rode what the teen wanted and raised a lot of question which are not easily answered. Continue reading…


Howard Dean: Paris Killers Not Muslim

Well, another wacky liberal has opened his mouth and spouted what every liberal is thinking.  This liberal is Howard Dean and his comments were about the recent terror attack in Paris.

“You know, this is a chronic problem. I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists. They’re about as Muslim as I am. I mean, they have no respect for anybody else’s life, that’s not what the Koran says. Europe has an enormous radical problem.”

The liberal apology lines are starting.

Let’s take a moment to look at this.  What radical problem, and by who?  Is there a radical Christian problem?  How about a radical white problem?  (although some might think so on the left without looking further into the problems).  How about Hindu?  Buddhist?  Taoism?

The fact remains it is the radical muslim population which is causing many problems despite the apologists out there.

Of course Dean was not finished.

I think ISIS is a cult. Not an Islamic cult. I think it’s a cult.

That’s like saying the Westboro Baptist Church is only a cult and should not be associated with the Baptist Church.

I still await the day when the left wakes up to the fact there are radical muslims who do terror acts in the name of islam.


GQ’s Crazy Politicians is Heavily Biased

Are politicians crazy, you bet.  I think you have to be crazy to be a politician in today’s environment.  Yet GQ managed to foul up even a simple crazy list.


By showing how much they are biased against Republicans.  They listed only three, yep 3, democrats in their list.  What makes things worse was the almost apologetic wording when they listed their first democrat. Continue reading…