Cancer touches us all, doesn’t matter if you are liberal, conservative or something in between. Saw this on my Facebook page and everyone should share it.
Supporters 12 Reasons Why Obama is Great
Ran across this article ’12 Reasons Supporters Claim Obama is One of the Best Presidents in History’. Quite honestly it reads like someone is ignoring the facts.
It was painfully obvious that the person writing the article could never criticize the President and probably confuses criticism with hate and racism. (You will never find me saying I hate the President, I do not know him, never met him, but I can, and will criticize what he does. Two different things). Continue reading…
Police Killers
A couple of days ago there was news that two New York cops were killed. What you won’t hear is that neither cop was white. There is no cry for racism, or tears from the left.
In fact, this is exactly what the left has been hoping for. They have been crying out for the death of cops such as here and here. Continue reading…
Liberal Logic
Now, is this the whole story, no. The real story is here.
There is something to be said about this. These types of stories happen quite often where a gun owner saved either his/her life or someone else’s. But you will not hear about it from the mainstream media because that goes against their anti-gun narrative.
Imagine if in one of the large mass shooting someone armed stepped forward to confront the deranged person. Its what everyone in the situation is asking for, someone to stop the violence.
Movie The Interview
This comedy has garnered a lot of recent attention by lot of people. From the trailers the movie is about a guy who is granted an interview to North Korea’s Kim Jong-un. As a result the government wants the reporter to kill Kim Jong-un. In other words, a fantasy comedy and low ratings.
However, in recent weeks Sony, the company behind the movie, was hacked. And now hackers have come out threatening both the studio, movie theaters and those who see the movie.
The result of all this, the premiere was scrapped, some movie theaters are not going to show it, actors are not helping to promote it. Continue reading…
Quick Decisions
Here is an interesting excercie for all the anti-cop people out there. When you come up on a person with a gun, is it a BB gun, or real gun. Look at the picture below:
Cops have very little time to process which gun this is pointed at them. Fractions of a second to see the weapon, identify it, is it a threat, is the person going to use it. Miscalculate on any of those questions and the cop could be killed. Continue reading…
Ferguson Citizens to Businesses
Recently CBS News did an interview with three men from Ferguson. The news station reported it as the reason for the anger goes beyond the fact a thug who attacked a cop was shot and killed, but the economy.
According to the three men, they are frustrated over the lack of jobs and they have a message to business.
Rebuild or else. Continue reading…