This is why I think all cop haters are morons.
Obamacare Needs New Name?
On Wednesday Kathleen Sebelius spoke out about Obamacare and what she said was it’s brand name.
“Obamacare, no question, has a very bad brand that has been driven intentionally by a lot of misinformation and a lot of paid advertising,” said Sebelius.
There has been a lot of misinformation and paid advertising going on for Obamacare. She is correct there, but who has been doing this is another question. Continue reading…
ISIS Executes Gay Man
ISIS members as a punishment for a sin toss a man off the tallest spot in the city then proceeded to stone him to death after he fell. What was his crime? He was accused and found guilty of being gay which is against their islamic beliefs.
Yes, that same religion which the left likes to claim is so peaceful, shows one more how radical muslims use the religion for control of others. Continue reading…
Lena Dunham’s Rape Claim
I wish to start off this discussion with yes, there is a problem of rape on college campuses. It does need to be addressed. There is no reason a young woman should have to fear that a man, or group of men might sexually assault her. Its not fun, its nothing to be proud of. Guys, don’t do it, respect other people, including women.
Now, having said that I can move on to this claim by Lena Dunham. Was she raped in college? Its very possible. Let’s start with the claim. Continue reading…
Sharpton’s Double Talk
Al Sharpton, who lately has been going around trying to push racial divide in this country upped his stupidity. When talking about why blacks have an economic problem. Its the government.
You can’t kill a jobs bill and infrastructure and then tell men to take care of their families. You can’t have it both ways.
Yet, when one looks at Eric Gardner, he was illegally selling individual cigarettes because it had been deemed unlawful by that same government. Continue reading…
‘White Christmas’ – Racist?
Seems like everytime something like Ferguson happens, people are being told what is considered to be racist.
Elect a black President, then criticize his decisions? You’re a racist.
Show any support for a cop who killed a thug who robbed a store, walked down the middle of the street and assaulted an officer? You’re a racist.
Sing the Christmas carol, ‘White Christmas’ in New York? You’re a racist. Continue reading…
Do Nothing Obama
Under the current administration the motto appears to be ‘Do Nothing’, at least when it comes to real important matters which can effect not only the USA, but other countries as well.
Recently there has been evidence that US government computers have been hacked by several countries. This includes China and Iran, both of which happened while Obama was in the process of ‘talks’ with those countries. In each case data was taken ranging from disaster plans to personal information. Continue reading…
Free Speech Only For Me
Lately with all the unrest going on in places like Ferguson and New York the left has once more gone to their typical free-speech, but only if you agree with them.
In both anyone who dares come out with an opposite view is shouted down and called first off a racist. Even if facts support the person’s view, the left does not wish to hear it, and respond with slurs and name-calling. Continue reading…
Real Heroes
Browsing through twitter yesterday I cam across the political gauntlet of things. Ferguson, New York, racial baiting all over the place. People screaming bout how bad the police are, some even calling for violence against cops.
Then I saw a picture which changed my thinking yesterday. It touched me more than any protest picture from any news organization in a while. Continue reading…
Joe Scarborough on the Media and Ferguson
Joe Scarborough is using some common sense on MSNBC, but its something which only time will tell if it will trickle to the rest of the company.
After seeing the St. Louis Rams players use the ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ gesture as they came onto the field it appears that Joe had enough. It was, as he put it, the last straw before he goes on about how much of the narrative that the media pushed, and continues to push is wrong. Continue reading…
Obama Willing To Shut Down Gov’t
President Obama once again shows how he negotiates with Republicans.
He doesn’t.
With the threat by Republicans against his recent amnesty action he has basically said if they defund it, he will shut down the government. How is that for negotiations? My way or I’ll screw everyone and blame you and the media will go along with me because they are too stupid to actually look beyond what I say. Continue reading…
St. Louis Rams Players Rise Hands
When the home team, the St. Louis Rams, came onto the field in yesterday’s game against the Oakland Raiders a few of the players raised their hands. It is the symbol of the protesters in Ferguson against Officer Wilson who was forced to shoot Michael Brown.
The players said they wanted to do something, yet there is a report they did not want to take a side. The hands up shows a clear support of one side, and something which the local police department did not take to kindly to. Continue reading…