Walk Out, Wrong Protest

A terrible tragedy is occurring right before our eyes.  The terrible tragedy of another high school shooting, this time in Florida becoming the shining beacon for the left on gun control.

Too many young people did die that day which didn’t have to.  But is the ‘walk out’ protest really the right way to correct the problems?

If one examines what happened we have failures across the board.  The FBI failed to really investigate and stop the shooter before anything happened.  Multiple complains came in and yet, nothing happened at all.  There are statements that during the shooting that not only was the school guard outside, but so were three other police officers.  For some reason declined to enter the school.

But let’s get to this #walkout protest. Continue reading…



Welcome to a new year.


And so we say good-by to 2017, the year of the snowflake.  The year of crybabies complaining ‘he’s not my President’.  The year that mainstream media showed how biased they are.

I don’t expect the media to lightening up on their all out blitz on reporting bad news about President Trump.  If anything I expect even more of the same.

I expect to constantly hear how bad the economy is, no matter what.  And that the tax bill was bad, again, no matter what.

Will the stock market continue to rise, I have no idea, I’m not an economist and even those who are are not accurate.  I do know, it goes up and goes down. Continue reading…


What is Christmas?

With how things are in the world today, how the left is Christianophobic, and shunning almost anything to do with Christmas, it brings up the question.

What is Christmas?

Personally, I can’t give a better answer than what was already given in a popular Christmas cartoon.


If that doesn’t answer your question, then you are expecting something else which doesn’t exist.



The holidays are coming up and looking around it makes me wish for the old days.

I can hear the leftists now, you are a boring old conservative.  They’ll say that instead of asking the real question, why?

The excitement and joy of Christmas seems gone in today’s modern world.  The wonder, people actually wishing others peace and happiness and meaning it, not that it was a given to say to others.

I looked at my leftist friends and they seem determined on making Christmas more like, well, Halloween or something.  Drab colors, boring get ups, and no heart behind it all.  Its like they purposefully go forth to destroy the heart of Christmas.

But what is the heart of Christmas. Continue reading…


Pearl Harbor

76 years ago today at five minutes to 8 AM in Hawaii the silence, and peace, was broken by the sounds of approaching planes.  Those stationed on the military bases and ships looked up never expecting what was about to happen.

Imperial Japan struck first using planes from six aircraft carriers to launch a surprise attack upon the US Pacific fleet based in Pearl Harbor.

There is a lot about the subject written, supporting both a conspiracy and denying it.  However, what it did do was bring a nation together.  Americans learned of the attack while listening to the baseball game on the radio and newpaper extras. Continue reading…


Merry Christmas They Said.

Its that time of year where everyone seems to get triggered when told, “Merry Christmas” when leaving a store.

Why, oh why, are so many afraid to hear these words?  The left cries they are forcing their religion down upon me.

I wasn’t aware of bodily tying them up, and then forcing them to church?  When did that happen when wishing someone Merry Christmas?  Am I doing it wrong?  Perhaps, just perhaps, I should be tying these leftists and atheists up and dragging them to church to make sure they receive God’s word. Continue reading…


Mayfield and the Easily Offended

Yesterday, in case you missed it, during the Big 12 football game between Oklahoma University and Kansas University there came some bad blood.  The result, the thin-skinned people who are easily offended by an obscene gesture.

Mayfield hurled a few ‘fuck yous’ to the Kansas crowd and team while grabbing his crotch (twice).

Oh my, what a offensive thing to do.  After all, that’s never been done before, ever.  I’m sure no player on the Kansas sideline had ever heard fuck you yelled at them before.  Not in this day and age.  I’m sure these puritans were completely shocked upon hearing such language wondering where it could have come from. Continue reading…



So, have you heard of this one?


Yep, where someone thinks they are of a different race than the one they are born of.  Let’s let that soak in for a second.  Do they really want your race to be gender fluid?

What happened to just not caring about what race you are?  What happened to treating others as you are treated?  When did this happen?

In case you’re a bit lost, saw this on my news feed today.

Transracial man born white feel like he’s filipino.

Yep, you read that correctly. Continue reading…



Well, another shooting has occurred, and as my custom I wait a bit before speaking about it.  I do this to let rumors die down, and for the truth to hopefully come forth.

What has come to my attention, isn’t that we need to ban guns, but once more its something about society.

Let’s look at three recent shootings this year:

The first one, against a Republican Congressman who was with a group practicing with other Republicans.  The only one to die was the shooter himself and the others who were shot were fortunate to recover.  The shooter, a left-wing activist. Continue reading…


Astros World Series Champions

Got through watching a great World Series last night between two great teams.

Congrats to the Astros for winning the series and their first championship in team history.  Honestly, one of the best WS I’ve seen.  There was a little bit of both throughout the series.

Listening to some before the series started I expected the Dodgers to run though the Astros, but having watched the team all year I realized it would be a close series, going 6 or 7 games.

Looking back at the series, the turning point to me was in the 8th and 9th innings of game 2.  You have the Dodgers up 1-0 in the series, up 3-1 in the game and a closer coming on with one on in the 8th.  Jansen is considered the best closer, and I’m sure at the beginning of the game if you asked any Dodger fan, they would be all right with this situation. Continue reading…


Red Pill Black

Browsing on YouTube I ran across this wonderful interview from The Rubin Report where they interviewed Candace Owens.  A delightful, wonderful young woman to listen to as she talked about her journey from being on the left to being on the right.

It started out innocently enough, wanting to expose internet bullies and who they were.

Sounds like a great idea, I’ve seen some on the internet who use their anonymity to bully and harass others.  I have seen for myself on the internet hateful and harassing bullies.

What was interesting was how others reacted to her proposal.  She put it up on Kickstarter, a whole three minute long proposal.  She got a call from a leftist group saying to stop her project.  If she didn’t ‘white supremacists’ would target her.  She said no. Continue reading…



So another weekend of football came and went and found myself thinking about this topic, sports.

I spent the weekend rooting for the Houston Astros over the New York Yankees, a I have been an Astro fan for a long time.  I’ve been to a few games, including a double-header in the Astrodome.

But this wasn’t about baseball, no, it was watching sports on Sunday.

Five years ago I can recall eagerly waiting for the sports analysts to begin on Sunday morning.  I’d tune in and watch as they went over the teams, the players, who to watch for, who they thought wasn’t doing so well.  Their predictions of who would win and why.  Even going over how players were performing on the field.

During the week I’d flip on ESPN, or the NFL Network, or the local guys and listen as they talked about this player, or that team.  They’d argue who was better, or why they sucked. Continue reading…


Fool Me Once

Well, with all the talk about ‘Fake News’ and such being tossed around it was only a matter of time before some ding-bat thinks the government should get involved.

Three such people, Abby K. Wood, Ann M. Ravel, and Irina Dykhne, have come up with a bill they hope is proposed and made into law called, Fool Me Once.

This recommendation to regulate ‘news’ to be done by the government is absolutely terrifying and should be to anyone with a brain.  I’m at a loss as to how such a proposal wouldn’t be a violation of the 1st amendment. Continue reading…


Hollywood’s Hypocrisy and Sexual Assault

There was a big deal recently over Harvey Weinstein and women coming out talking about how he sexually assaulted, or abused him.

Now, such things have come out about Hollywood now for years, even decades of women being abused, or forced for sexual favors in order to get the part of some movie or TV show.  Its a disgusting practice which its time for it to end.

Yes, the disturbing thing about all of this, is the lack of outrage by the left.

Remember Bill Cosby? Continue reading…