Before the election everyone heard the following line from the President, Barack Obama. “I am not on the ballot this fall,” said Obama. “Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them.” Well Americans went to vote and voted against the democrats, and Obama’s […]
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Posts tagged with 'democrats'
Democrats Threaten Voters
According to the New York Post democratic party members have received a letter which has a very ominous tone to it. While it states that who you vote for is a secret, if you vote of not is something they can find out. “We will be reviewing voting records… to determine whether you joined your […]
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Obamacare’s Narrow Networks A Disaster
The purpose of Obamacare was to insure everyone had medical insurance, or so we were told. However, the reality has become anything but. Healthcare insurance companies offering the narrow networks under Obamacare in California are reporting that there will be no increase next year. In fact, some might even have their networks shrink. This is […]
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Obama’s Immigration Plan
So, after several months of the growing crisis along the border the President has finally made a decision. He will delay any action until the end of the year. To many this seems almost outrageous that he will take so much time before implementing an executive order. The reality is no one should be surprised […]
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Another Democrat Makes a Gaff
Recently President Obama has made a coupe of gaffs, one of which actually got not only national media attention, but world-wide attention. But now another democrat has made a new gaff, and no, it isn’t Reid, but Debbie Wasserman Schultz. When talking about Governor Scott Walker, Schultz said the following:
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Burger King Buys Tim Hortons
The new big news today is the announcement of Burger King buying Canadian franchise Tim Hortons for 11.5 billion dollars. Normally such news would not be talked about much beyond the normal scope of business, and for most Americans, nothing much changed inside the USA. However, there has recently been a change in the political […]
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Liberal Logic
Well, it does make you wonder. You hear about this all the time and so, begs the question, should the police be armed?
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Sheila Jackson Lee Caught in Her Own Lie
It appears once again Democrat House member Sheila Jackson Lee has been caught in a lie. “I ask my colleagues to oppose this resolution for it is in fact a veiled attempt at impeachment and it undermines the law that allows a president to do his job. A historical fact: President Bush pushed this nation […]
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Pro-Choice Cartoon
I have to admit, this sums it up about right.
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Politico Poll Numbers
News from a new Politico poll which was done over the course of two weeks, from July 1 – 13th, 2014. The results are in and you can read it here. Politico polled a list of voters, and a good mix of democrats, republicans and independents. The news is a bit depressing if one is […]
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Harry Reid Says What?
Once more democratic Senator Harry Reid opens his mouth and says something stupid. He is worse than Sarah Palin, but the only difference is Reid has the power to influence all of our lives. The question everyone probably has is what did he say? “The border is secure.” Don’t believe me, watch it here.
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Women Can’t Get Birth Control
Okay, so no one out there thinks women can’t get birth control? Right? However, reading twitter several left-winged sites have posted articles that state that in more succulent tones. Take this article: Can birth control help Democrats keep the Senate? by Irin Carmon. Its a very carefully worded opinion piece which talks about the democrats going around the […]
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Liberals Push for 18th Century Immigration Laws
How many of you have heard this by the left. Our ancestors were immigrants, or immigrants in the early part of the 20th century helped out in farms, or other jobs. Yes, those are true, but it also begs the question why liberals are so stuck in the past. Look at what they push in […]
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Liberals New Buzz Word
Anyone following the immigration crisis may have noticed a disturbing trend lately. The elimination of the word immigrant when talking about the tens of thousands of children immigrants. They no longer use the words illegal alien either, they have become migrants. Now, doesn’t that word make you feel so much better. They are only migrants, […]
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Mexican Military Helicopter Fires Shots in USA.
It appears a Mexican military helicopter fired a couple of shots off while inside US territory at US border patrol agents. With tensions already mounting with US citizens over the influx of illegals, especially children, this latest incident does not help calm these tensions. The question that comes to mind, what was the helicopter doing […]
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