College Won’t Allow Woman to Protect Herself

Taylor Woolrich is a student at the Dartmouth College.  Like many students she has her classes, tests, homework and other day to day activities of a normal student.  She has her friends, papers to write, and meals to eat, I think we all recall those, either with a fond, or not so fond memory.

However, Taylor has one serious situation which most students do not have, a stalker. Continue reading…


ISIS is the New Nazi Party

We have all heard the following passage in one form or another:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Its hard to imagine such a sight ever happening again after the horror of World War 2.  But one can imagine it went something like this when they came for you. Continue reading…


Corporate Patriotism, and the coming Economic Berlin Wall

In the past couple of weeks there has been talk by democrats about such things as corporate patriotism, or economic patriotism.  What does that mean?  This is what Obama said about it a few days ago:

“They’re technically renouncing their U.S. citizenship.  They’re declaring they are based someplace else even though most of their operations are here. You know, some people are calling these companies corporate deserters.”

Are these companies deserters?  According to democrats, yes they are.  Democrat Senator Dick Durbin has even proposed a bill to prevent companies from leaving the US for tax reasons. Continue reading…


Don’t Have to Follow the Constitution

The US Constitution, a document upon which the USA has been founded.  A document which the founding fathers wrote up after the failed Articles of Confederation failed.  Many of the brightest minds of early America worked together to create the government.

When the government fails to obey the very document upon which its founded, does it still serve the people?  Recently a new video has surfaced which shows this very problem. Continue reading…


Truthful Reporting on Hamas’ Cowardly Ways

While in Gaza some reporters from India recorded an interesting video.  Journalist Sreenivasan Jain and his crew watched as an interesting blue tent was erected just outside their hotel.  They watched two men come and go.

The reporter states this is a potential hamas rocket launching site under construction within the tent.  He also notes that all around the empty lot which they are filming is a heavily populated area.  It is also interesting to note a rocket had been launched from the site earlier prompting the evacuation of the hotel due to an Israel warning. Continue reading…


Trucker at the Border

A video is sweeping though the internet showing a trucker approaching what is claimed to be a border crossing.  What is both surprising, eye-opening and very disturbing is how the trucker goes though the crossing.  It all looks normal, he approaches, then is questioned by the border guard.

The guard asks if he has anyone on board the truck, which the trucker says no, then things go strange.  The trucker asks if it matters at all, to which the guard says ‘not anymore’. Continue reading…


Malik Obama

Malik Obama, our current US President’s half-brother, step-brother, or whatever they wish to call themselves.  Many of the left name him Barack’s half-brother.  Indeed, the Huffington Post lists about a half dozen articles calling in Obama’s half-brother.

Last year he tried to win over the governor in Kenya.  He failed in his run for office, and Malik has visited his ‘brother’ more than once.  There are even pictures all over the internet of the two at the White House. Continue reading…


Changing Food in Schools for Worse

Remember in years gone past, having a bake sale at school?  Or how about selling candy bars to raise money for a school trip for the band, or your school sports team?

Chances are the older you are, the more likely you are to remember something like this.  I even remember going door to door to sell candy bars, which I disliked.  I do recall buying a candy bar from members of the band during fifth and sixth period class. Continue reading…


Putin vs. Obama

Over the past couple of weeks and months there has been a lot of comparisons between Putin and Obama.  Which one is the better leader?  Who is controlling who?

Currently Putin is enjoying a much more favorable approval rating than Obama, though that I find is due more to the massive control of Russian media giving great propaganda to Putin compared to the USA.  Aside from that there is a feeling among many in the USA that Obama is showing weakness to a potential enemy. Continue reading…


Pelosi Races Across House Floor

Anyone browsing YouTube has run across videos of parliament members and congressional members confronting others, sometimes even devolving into fights.  Its been in Japan, South Korea, Venezuela, and others.

On Friday, August 1, 2014, the US House of Representatives had something similar happen.  It did not involve fists, but democrat Nancy Pelosi decided to charge across the House floor to waggle her finger at a Republican congressman speaking. Continue reading…


Punishment Beyond Humiliation

Imagine this, your back in school, and drawing on your desk.  Who did not do this when they were younger.  In college there were entire conversations between people on some desks.  In high school, I can recall notes on the desk to the next class, some impressive drawings.

Now, your teacher found out, what usually happened? Continue reading…


Christians (and Jews) Mean Nothing to Obama

President Barack Obama recently stated the following remark”

The President stated that Ramadan ““reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy. That is why we stand with people of all faiths, here at home and around the world, to protect and advance their rights to prosper, and we welcome their commitment to giving back to their communities.”

Obama’s remarks left not only me, but many others speechless.  One such person is Bill Donohue of the Catholic League, who posted a reply back to Obama. Continue reading…


Sheila Jackson Lee Caught in Her Own Lie

It appears once again Democrat House member Sheila Jackson Lee has been caught in a lie.

“I ask my colleagues to oppose this resolution for it is in fact a veiled attempt at impeachment and it undermines the law that allows a president to do his job. A historical fact: President Bush pushed this nation into a war that had little to do with apprehending terrorists. We did not seek an impeachment of President Bush, because as an executive, he had his authority. President Obama has the authority.”

She spoke this in opposition to Republican’s latest effort to sue the President over his overreach of power. Continue reading…