FBI’s Poor Investigating of IRS

The targeting of conservative groups by the IRS, according to liberals, is nothing but a fantasy made up by the right.  If that is true, then any investigation would be easy to prove that point.  However, it appears things are not quite as convincing as the left likes to have us think.

The latest information is from the group True the Vote, one of the first groups targeted by the IRS.  They claim that no one from the FBI has interviewed them.  That statement sounds borderline impossible.  Any investigator would naturally interview the victim.  To not do so would mean the investigation does not even understand what happened.  Its like investigating a murder without looking at the body. Continue reading…


Harry Reid Says What?

Once more democratic Senator Harry Reid opens his mouth and says something stupid.  He is worse than Sarah Palin, but the only difference is Reid has the power to influence all of our lives.  The question everyone probably has is what did he say?

“The border is secure.”

Don’t believe me, watch it here.

Continue reading…


Improved Tranquility in the World. Really?

Yesterday the White House press secretary, Josh Earnest, told reporters how the Obama administration has improved the world’s tranquility.

Let’s get this straight, we have ISIS trying to create its own nation, Iraq on the brink of civil war, violence in Syria, fighting between Russia and the Ukraine and basically war between Israel and hamas, and the administration says we’re living in tranquil times?

What does the administration based this allegation on?  According to Earnest, three reasons. Continue reading…


Outlawing Husband and Wife?

A bill signed into law on Monday in California by Governor Brown has made the words Husband and Wife illegal. Yep, illegal.  Don’t believe it, read the text of the bill for yourself: SB 1306.  Here are the first two paragraphs of the bill:

An existing provision of the California Constitution, which has been held unenforceable, states that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in this state. An existing statutory provision likewise provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in this state.
This bill would repeal that statutory provision.

Here the lawmakers are already trying to restructure marriage to fit their view.  But they go even further a few paragraphs later. Continue reading…


Security Guard Loses Job by doing Job

The twists and irony of this next tale will leave the reader’s mind spinning.

It goes like this, a Target security guard while monitoring the store noticed a shoplifter.  Reporting it to his manager, who appeared to recognize the man and was told to wait.  Sure enough a few days later the same shoplifter returned, and again, left the store without paying for items.

In other words, the man broke the law at the Target store not once, but twice and is on camera doing so. Continue reading…


Non-Peaceful Protests in France

An anti-Israel protest in Paris, France on Sunday went from being peaceful to threatening and terrifying.  In what was a group of thousands, many broke away from the protest of Israel bombing areas in Gaza (in response to missile attacks from groups like hamas) and converged on a synagogue with some 200 worshippers.

These no peaceful protesters threw bricks, stones and whatever else at the building.  They threatened the lives of those inside with their hostile actions.  With only a handful of police on hand they were easily overwhelmed by the protesters turned rioters.

In fact, there were reports from some that it reminded them of the infamous ‘Kristallnacht’ of 1938 Germany by the Nazis. Continue reading…


DOJ to Investigate Obama Outhouse Float

By now almost everyone has seen the following picture of a float of Obama’s Library:


Now, according to the Department of Justice, they are looking into discrimination allegations over the float.  What happened to the First Amendment the democrats and liberals were so fond of touting whenever something like this happened against Bush? Continue reading…



Earlier this week when Texas Governor Rick Perry asked Obama to come down to the state’s border to see for himself the conditions the reply was no.  Why? Obama replied with this:

“This isn’t theater. This is a problem. I’m not interested in photo-ops; I’m interested in solving a problem.”

So he doesn’t want to make it a photo-op, or some sort of theater.  Yet he ended his visit to Texas for fundraisers with what?  Yep, a photo-op at Franklin Barbeque in Austin, TX. Continue reading…


$3.7 Billion for Illegals

Congress has come back with their answer, or so it says, to Obama’s request for $3.7 billion for the crisis along the border.  But what is this money going towards?

According to Business Insider (the story here) the White House is going to use the money in the following:

• The largest amount would go to the Department of Health and Human Services, for which the White House is requesting an additional $1.8 billion to care for the unaccompanied children. “With these funds, HHS will have the resources to be able to care for the children currently projected to come into the custody of the Department of Homeland Security while putting in place more stable, cost-effective arrangements for these children going forward,” the White House said.

• The Department of Homeland Security is seeking $1.1 billion for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, as well as an additional $433 million for Customs and Border Protection. A large chunk of that sum would go toward the detention and removal of apprehended undocumented adults traveling with children, additional prosecution capacity for those adults, and overtime and duty costs for existing and additional Border Patrol agents.

• A total of $64 million would go to the Department of Justice, most of which would go toward hiring 40 additional immigration judge teams to speed up deportation proceedings. The White House said this would help process an additional 55,000-75,000 cases each year.

• About $300 million would go to the State Department under the proposal, most of which would go toward “efforts to repatriate and reintegrate migrants to Central America.” About $5 million of the total would go toward media messaging, in which the administration would highlight the dangerous nature of migrating from Central America to the U.S. and emphasize those who do enter the U.S. will not be given permission to stay.

Is this request a stop-gap to shore up a crisis.  A way to get Congress to provide more money to other programs?  A lot of the money sounds good on paper.  $1.1 billion for immigration and customs enforcement, and about $433 million to the Customs and Border protection.

There is even money going for additional judges and means to deport illegals.

All this money, and yet Michelle Obama has already undermined it all.  The biggest problem is the flow of illegals into the country.  That is why the administration is asking for $3.7 billion.  They come here because the left is asking for amnesty for illegals.

That’s exactly what Michelle Obama stated earlier in New York City:

“So make no mistake about it, we have to keep on fighting as hard as we can on immigration, and as my husband has said, he’s going to do whatever administrative action it takes to fix this broken system.” Michelle Obama told a crowd of Latino. before stating.  “We cannot afford to wait on Congress to lift up our next generation. We can’t afford to wait on anybody when it comes to our kids’ future.  Your grandparents and parents didn’t wait for opportunities to come to them. No, they packed up their families and moved to this country for a better life.”

She is right, many did pack up, move, then many worked to become legal citizens.  Amnesty does not solve the problem, but compounds the problem costing the US taxpayer even more money.


Israel and Hamas

Over the past week tensions have mounted, rockets flying and airstrikes launched.  In all of this the death toll has risen to over 100 people over a strip of land most of us cannot even imagine how small.  What always gets me is how so many are against the fact Israel has the right, and obligation to defend itself from attack.  The following cartoon demonstrates this attitude extremely well:


Hamas, and other terrorist groups can attack Israel all day long and barely anything is said, especially from liberals.  However, Israel strikes back, and the loonies come out of the woodwork to denounce Israel.

I have a solution for those over there.  If you don’t want to be attacked by Israel, don’t let groups like hamas poison your people.

Think of it this way, who would you rather have as your neighbor.  The one who builds homes, or the one who throws rocks at your home?  The left appears to want the one who tosses rocks.



Anti-Hunting Activists Gone Wild

Here’s the picture:


Apparently some, not all, think this is a real photo of Steven Spielberg with an animal he killed.  A couple of problems, one, that’s a triceratops which has been extinct for millions of years.  Two, this is actually on the movie set of Jurassic Park.

Some people who made comments are obviously doing it in sarcasm, however, in text format it many times fails to come across.

Some people, unfortunately are that stupid.  After all, some failed to realize the Titanic was real and not just a movie, so some could think this photo was of a real animal Spielberg had killed.  It goes to show, think before you comment about anything.


The PC Police are Back

So yesterday, the staffers at the Huffington Post were ‘shocked’ while watching FOX News ‘The Five’.  You would think they would have been shocked at something a conservative said on the show.  But actually, its was the show’s Bob Beckel who got the gasp from the ultra-liberals with their panties too tight at the Huffington Post.

What did Beckel say that had them so upset?

“The Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the U.S. They have been, they will be and they can wait, they’re very patient. Do you know what we just did? As usual, we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen — er, Chinese people — how to do computers and then they go back to China and hack into us.”

Did you catch it?


Yep, that is a ‘sensitive’ word, according the liberal PC police out there.  On Twitter Amanda Terkel stated this after the statement:

Bob Beckel just referred to “Chinamen” on The Five. No, really. Really.

Honestly its time for the left to grow up and realize the world isn’t a nice place that plays nicely.  Things do not always go your way.  The PC police are quick to say some word is an insult to another group.  Perhaps it time to stop these perceived insults and concentrate on real issues.


Typical Smear Campaign

Has everyone heard about the young woman Kendall Jones, a Texas Tech cheerleader.  She’s the one who posted pictures of her hunting animals and the left completely freaked out about it.

Well, true to their form, their attacks have gotten even worse.  Its beyond despicable, bus also so typical of their attacks on people who dare be different from what they want someone to be.

Not long ago a Virginian Congressional hopeful, Mike Dickenson posted several tweets that are highly controversial and beyond good taste.


Let us all pray that gets mauled by a rhino or contracts Ebola on her next canned hunt to kill a animal

Look at pure scum that is killing animals for fun. Who’s got nude photos of her? Or sex tapes? 100k

100k to anyone w nude photos or sex videos of she is pure scum

If any ex boyfriends of are out there we want and will pay for sex stories or info about her

That’s just a taste of the vile, woman hating rhetoric this democrat is posting.  First off, she is only 19, and then offering a cash reward for her nude.  That is just beyond words, but so typical.  They have to demonize her, humiliate her, attack her, dehumanize her, and anything else they can simply because they do not like something she did.  They refuse to understand why.

But let’s look at his website for  second.

“Mike believes Congress needs to get back to finding solutions to our nation’s problems”

Interesting, but then he goes on an attack over someone not even in his state.

I can guarantee you if someone offered a $100,000 for his daughter’s picture nude (not sure he has a daughter), he would declare that person, or group, to hate women.  So, sir (I use that term in the loosest of terms), you are declaring a war on women by your actions.  You are viewing them as sexual beings.  There is something to treating men and women equally.

I expect we’ll never hear an apology though, and any pictures you might get, be very, very careful sir.  She might not be over 18 in those pics, then, you are distributing child porn, a criminal offense.


Obama Worst President Poll

A week ago Quinnipaic came out with a poll asking people who the worst and best President was since WW2.

The results were a bit surprising, or not depending on your views.  Many would probably expect Bush II to be the worst, but OBama took top honors here.  And really, its not hard to figure out why.

Obama came into office in 2009 with high hopes, a country whose economy was in a serious recession, millions out of work, and two wars (one of which we were already in the process of leaving).  He had an advantage most other Presidents did not have, a super majority in both the House and Senate.  He seemed like the man for the job.

However, that first year if one recalls, democrats passed the ‘Spending Act’ and ‘Obamacare’.  The former would give rise to the TEA Party in response to run away government spending.  The second, was a stupid choice.  It targeted the wrong problem our economy.  The nation needed jobs, and stability, instead this bill gave us instability.

Employers already strained now had to figure out how this monstrosity of a bill would impact their businesses.  Even now, five years later the government struggles with implementing it.

Obama has been quick to give his opinions on things, like Professor Gates and Trayvon Martin before knowing anything, yet Fast and Furious, IRS, wire-tapping, Benghazi, and the latest border crisis, he says nothing and is dismissive of it.

Its those attitudes which effect how people perceive him.  His actions have spoken much louder than his words.  He never will be remembered as a top President, worst, I don’t know either, time will tell.



Women Can’t Get Birth Control

Okay, so no one out there thinks women can’t get birth control?  Right?

However, reading twitter several left-winged sites have posted articles that state that in more succulent tones.  Take this article:

Can birth control help Democrats keep the Senate? by Irin Carmon.

Its a very carefully worded opinion piece which talks about the democrats going around the Supreme Court decision and introducing a bill so women can get birth control.

Or how about this one:

Leticia Van De Putte: Women Will Now Be Defined By Their Bosses Thanks To Hobby Lobby

Its ironic that Leticia states that women’s bosses will define who they are but wants to force bosses to pay for it.  Sounds a bit hypocritical of her to me.  Her heavy language again makes it sound like the ruling somehow makes it illegal for a woman to buy birth control, or even talk to her doctor about it.

These are two articles of a full court press by democrats and the left to vilify the SCOTUS’s decision on Hobby Lobby.  They will use every fear mongering tactic they have in telling you there is a war on women, that women will no longer get birth control, or talk to their doctors.  That women no longer have any choices.

But, ask the question, how did the ruling outlaw all of that when the case was not about that, but about forcing an employer to carry it.

Ask them how that is Constitutional?

Ask them how any bill democrats put forth to go around this bill is Constitutional?

Ask them, they will give you and emotional story.  Emotional stories are designed to sway, but many times can be extremely dangerous to our freedom.

Continue to ask, maybe one day they will realize the truth, it isn’t constitutional, and women still will be able to buy birth control, and talk to their doctors about birth control.