Seeing Illegal Immigrant Camps

There has been many reports in recent days about congressional members, or press, heading off to see camps which house illegal immigrants.  But its what has been told even before they visit which has some concerned about what is really going on.

Take for example the list reporters had to agree upon before taking a tour of a camp:

1.  Could not take any photos

2. Could not bring in any cell phones, or recording devices

3.  Could not interact with any child or staff, including asking questions

4.  Photos would be provided to them

5.  Questions would be by e-mail or phone and answered as quickly as possible.

Such a rigid control of the ‘tour’ makes me think of another bygone time in history where a government gave a highly one-sided showing of a camp.  That camp was a Jewish camp, the government was Nazi Germany.

Now add to this border patrol officers are not allowed to speak of the conditions in the camps, and the additional money the administration is asking for one has to ask questions.  But in this new political environment it has become dangerous to ask questions against the established power of the Obama administration.

The latest news about these camps is congressional officials are not allowed in.  The camps they have seen have been cleared out.  Where did these illegals go?  Why does the government not want people to know what’s going on.

Mr. Obama, you are asking for money, over $3 billion, and for what?

Democrats, you are asking for amnesty.  How will amnesty solve the larger problem?

If the left wishes to persuade me to their cause, it has to be more than an emotional story.  Show me how this helps the future, and solves this problem so future generations do not have to go through this again.


Back Up and Running

Well, after a rough spot with an upgrade to the theme due to an incomplete file from the WordPress Server things are back up and running.

I’ll be updating on new and ongoing news as normal, giving my thoughts to it all.

So keep coming back, check out what’s new while I now go and pray my car doesn’t have an electrical problem.  Machines, one second you love’em, the next, hate’em.


Hobby Lobby Girl

By now most of you have seen the following picture:


Well, it seems that liberals’ minds have exploded.  How did they react?

With the typical threats.  People said they hope she dies, her daughter dies, hope she is raped, and a host of other things.

People, where are your fucking manners.  This is the United States of America, not some communist country which doesn’t have the 1st amendment.

The left loves to taunt the 1st amendment, as long as what you say and think represents what you think.  However, the moment you show any sign of thinking differently, they respond with such threats.

Now, to be clear, I think anyone who gives such threats, left or right, should seriously consider their words and actions.  There are greater issues we as a country should be tackling.

Actions like this from the left only divide us further.  Remember, united we stand, divide we fall.  Liberals, stop trying to divide us!


Labor Dept Said What?

The US government needs to read, and follow Phyllis Borzi wrote on the (Work in Progress) blog, of the US Department of Labor.

Its a list of five goals to help you earn financial independence.  But its what is said that is amazing, and every politician in government from the federal to your city council who should read, and then sign off stating he/she read it.

The most important part of the blog post, is points three and four.

3. The trick to saving for any goal is to spend less than you earn.

The one the government should understand, but our politicians have a warped sense of spending.  After all, they reduce the increase in spending by a couple of percentage points and call that a cut in spending (despite overall spending rising).

4. Paying off debt can be an important step toward financial security.

Yeah, you don’t have those pesky debt collectors coming after you.  And the US government has plenty of people who own debt in the government.  Its time to trim the debt and make it manageable once more.

Do not expect the government to follow this advise though.  With the government its do as I say, not as I do.

Read the article here:

This July, Declare Your Financial Independence!


Liberals Push for 18th Century Immigration Laws

How many of you have heard this by the left.  Our ancestors were immigrants, or immigrants in the early part of the 20th century helped out in farms, or other jobs.

Yes, those are true, but it also begs the question why liberals are so stuck in the past.

Look at what they push in other topics.  For the LGBT crowd, they tell us its a push for 21st century, to become current with other industrialized countries.  Take drugs, they want to legalize it, again stating its a push for the future.

Then they get to immigration and they fall backwards.

Liberals ignore every other country in the world, and sat the US should look back to the past for our immigrations laws.  They want our borders to be open, welcoming, friendly.

I have no problem with those words, but, today’s world is a far cry from the 18th century, or even the 1920s or 30s, or even the 1950s.  Today there are terrorist groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda, and others who do not care about being our friend.  They do not care about being hospitable with us.  They will lie, cheat, steal and stab you in the back while telling you they like you.

We live in a world where one person can make a bomb and kill many, go on a shooting spree, or even, at worst, explode some WMD, either gas, dirty bomb or other.

In their zeal to welcome illegals into the country, the left forgets there are people who hate the USA, hate them because they are American.

So the question is when, oh when, will liberals realize they are the ones stuck in the past here?  When will they understand the world isn’t the same as it was 100 years ago.  When will they push for our immigration laws to be of the same standard as the rest of the world?


Vaccinations Getting More Expensive

For the past month many of my friends have been talking about the need to vaccinate, and how dangerous it is to not have your child vaccinated against diseases.  Now, I do not have any children, so I stay out of the debate.  The only statement I give is to give your child the shots, but be aware of side-effects.  And to also question, never stop questioning.

However, yesterday I saw an interesting article from the New York Times.

The Price of Prevention: Vaccine Costs Are Soaring

I am left struck with several thoughts here, and none are good for our future.

The immediate thought is by making vaccinations more expensive.  I see a sequence of events happening here.  First, fewer people will get the shot because they can’t afford it.  As that happens, pressure will be put on the government to force insurance companies to cover more of the cost.  That means either you will pay more for your plan, or the government will provide more money (provided by the taxpayer) or both.

The question come about, wasn’t Obamacare suppose to make our healthcare cheaper.  The answer is no.  It was never about healthcare costs, but providing people with insurance, which as democrats proposed, would then trickle down to decrease the cost because no one was not covered.

I digress though.

There is one more danger to rising costs of vaccines.  As people are unable to afford the shots for their children, more become susceptible to diseases.  As that happens, the chances of an epidemic becomes more and more likely. (Especially considering the diseases coming across the border lately from illegals.)

Our leaders need to act now, but as with everything, unless there is a crisis, nothing will be done.


Hobby Lobby Spin by Liberals

Well, its almost been a week since the Supreme Court decision in favor of Hobby Lobby, and the left’s compete meltdown reaction.  The one I have found to be the strangest is how this decision will mean women will not be able to get birth control.

Hold on a second.  What?  I guess I missed the decision by the Supreme Court to allow companies to tell their employees they cannot use birth control.  I thought the court case dealt with the company being force by the government to carry birth control in their health-care plans.

The truth is Hobby Lobby won in not having to carry some, not all, birth control.  The ones they are not forced to carry are drugs that are associated with abortion.  In fact, 80% of birth control they are still mandated to carry.  If you listen to liberals though, Hobby Lobby, and other religious companies, do not have to carry any birth control.

The problem is if the left wants to make an impact, look for that emotional impact at any cost.  Like many news reports, who cares about facts, its all about swaying the readers, and this time, they have done well, but as people ask questions the story starts falling apart.

So next time you hear someone say the court case denies women birth control, ask the question how?


Illegal Immigration Out of Control

An old saying goes like this, ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’.  This is exactly what American citizens are dealing with regarding the current immigration crisis.  A deliberately created crisis by liberals to force their agenda on everyone in the country.

What is their agenda?  Simple, amnesty.

Yep, amnesty, that’s it.  They have no back up plan, no plan to shore up the border, no plan to prevent new illegals from entering the country, and no plan to even try to stop it.

Sure the leaders of the democratic party make it sound like they are concerned, while forbidding members of congress, the press, or anyone else from talking, taking pictures of otherwise showing the conditions of the camps.  They tightly control what information is coming out of such camps, including giving ‘tours’.  Its also about power, the democratic leadership knows these illegals will overwhelmingly vote for them, so they can tighten their control over the government.

Let’s return to the amnesty part.  Democrats seem content to go down the same worn path which has failed to solve our immigration problems.  They forget that Republicans already had supported such bills, like the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which was introduced by Alan K. Simpson, a Republican, and signed by Reagan, another Republican.

Yet here we are 28 years later, and still have a problem.  Even if we give illegals amnesty, the left will continue to do nothing about the problem because they don’t care to solve it, even as it drags down the country.

Its time to stop the insanity.


Happy 4 of July

A day marking the United States of America independence when the Second Continental Congress approved the wording of the revision o f the Declaration of Independence.   The first vote too place two days earlier and John Adams wrote this:

The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.

He almost got it right, except for the day.

So, hope you all have a safe, happy Fourth of July.

I’m off to celebrate, and hopefully rain doesn’t spoil the fireworks.


Unemployment Rate Numbers

Well, the unemployment numbers have come in, at least the first numbers which of course will be changed in a couple of months.  On the surface, they appear to be all right, but are they?  Some 280k jobs were added, and unemployment dropped to 6.1%.

Liberals will tout this as great, look at well Obama is doing.  He needs good number after his poll number recently fell to the lowest he’s had, and after a Supreme Court defeat on Monday.

Mathematically a lot doesn’t add up very well.  Long term unemployed shrank, as did the unemployment rate, yet the percentage for labor force participation rate remained the same at 62.8%  That means out of 1000 adults of working age in the USA, only 628 are either working, or looking for work.  That number is the lowest since December 1978.

The economy is growing, hopefully, and I hope the President’s stand on immigration, and upcoming Obamacare laws don’t strangle this before it can heat up.


Liberals New Buzz Word

Anyone following the immigration crisis may have noticed a disturbing trend lately.  The elimination of the word immigrant when talking about the tens of thousands of children immigrants.  They no longer use the words illegal alien either, they have become migrants.

Now, doesn’t that word make you feel so much better.  They are only migrants, seeking a better life and coming to America.

That’s what the left wants you believe.  Once more playing on people’s emotions instead of using real facts.

The fact of the matter is these immigrants are being helped up here.  Honestly, this many children making their way up and through Mexico without any adult help is naïve.  The administration has already said they wish to accept these children, then reunite them with their families!

As a country, we’ve tried amnesty before.  It did not work.  So it begs the question, why are liberals doing the same thing over and over again to expect the same results.  Simple, they want more mindless voters who will vote democrat, that it.  Sorry illegals, they don’t care about you, only your potential vote.

So, this new word is a play on your emotion and the media lap-dogs are following along like good sheep.


Voter ID Laws

The debate over voter ID laws.  If you listen to the right, its a way to make sure citizens of the USA are voting, and prevent voter fraud.  The left counters this argument by saying laws discriminate against minority races and the poor, along with the argument that voter fraud is a myth.

Since 2010 North Carolina passed a voter ID law.  Liberals quickly unleashed their normal rhetoric of racism, discrimination and myths of voter fraud.  They even went so far as to say some 900,000 potential voters would be prevented from voting (of which 200,000 were black voters).

Data from the May 10, 2014 primary election was compared with the elections on May 4, 2010.  If you are a liberal, you might want to turn away now, click back, because the news isn’t good for your side of the debate.

The results came out and voter turnout actually increased, by over 20% among blacks.  Yep, instead of going down, it actually went up.

Now some liberals might argue that this increase is due to people angry about the law.

People might be angry, and did turn out because of it.  But their turnout proved the liberal argument wrong.  The fact so many turned out to vote is a direct contradiction to the argument.  It did not prevent those angry from voting, they worked within the law, as so many around the world do.

I find it ironic that liberals taunt how things work around the world, yet those same countries have voter ID laws.  When are liberals going to bring their standards for voters up to the rest of the world?

The answer may be they don’t wan to.  The new question then becomes why, because race and discrimination are a myth in opposing voter ID laws.

Read more here.


Obama Threatening with Executive Orders

Recently Obama has made several claims which should make every American citizen who values the Constitution shiver.

“I take executive action only when we have a serious problem, a serious issue and Congress chooses to do nothing.”

It goes along with an earlier quote:

“I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone.”

Now, when it comes to executive orders liberals will be extremely quick to point out how many orders other Presidents signed into law.  And yes, Obama doesn’t have as many this far into his term as others have had.  But there is a huge difference liberals have chosen to ignore.

Its the fact Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, or even Clinton never publically threatened to use executive orders to get their way.

Obama is acting more like a spoiled child who has no idea how to share a toy than the leader of the United States of America.  When he doesn’t get his was, he runs to the press, whining about those mean old bullies, the Republicans, and the press eats it up regurgitating it to the public.

However, like the boy who cried wolf, Obama has done it too often.  People are starting to question his leadership abilities.  As they have, he’s lost that ability to shame his opposition into doing things his way.  As a result, he now has resorted to threatening to bypass Congress to get his way.

Government isn’t about one way to rule, if so the founding fathers would have created a monarchy.  Instead they gave us a system which has check and balances so no one person or agency could rule the entire country.

If Obama was as smart and aware of the Constitution as he said he was, perhaps its time he actually starts abiding by it.