Immigrant Medical Emergency?

So, I read a story here, and it alarms me a bit, especially if its true.  The article mentions medical staff members who were/are treating the immigrating children coming into the USA.

There is horrible stories of lice, scabies, as well as measles and small pox among the diseases in the set up camp.  To make matters worse, these children are being shipped to these camps in public transportation.  That means if these kids haven’t been taken care of before moving the camp, there is a risk of these germs, viruses, bugs spreading throughout the country.

That’s right, they don’t want the common person to see what’s going on in these camps.


If, as at the end of the article, there is nothing to be worried about, why demand secrecy?

The two people in the article mention the high demand to not say anything.  They were not allowed their cell phones, or to communicate about what is going on in there at all. Continue reading…


Black Candidate’s Sign Defaced

So, how many of you have heard of the young African-American who is running for congressional office whose sign was attacked.  Her face in the picture was spray-painted white, with only the eyes and mouth left untouched.

Not only is this an attack against blacks, but against women as well, or so liberals would say.

Still have not heard about it?

Don’t feel bad, you probably will not.  Why?

The congressional candidate’s name is Glo Smith.  She is from Florida, and in a heavily democratic neighborhood, is running as a Republican.

Yep, that’s right, a black Republican, and a woman.  A double whammy which means zip will ever be said by a liberal.  This is the hypocrisy at its finest by liberals.  Its only racism and hatred if its directed at a democrat.  Direct that same hatred and racism towards a Republican, and its okay.

Read full story here.


Supreme Court Rules Against Unions

In a ruling that is in line with the Constitution, and what the USA stands for the SCOTUS stated that unions cannot force home heath-care workers to be part of their union.

Imagine this, you are caring for your elderly mother, or father, and a union comes along and says you cannot do that unless you’re part of our union.  Sounds idiotic, yet that is what happened and why the lawsuit came about.  Unions forcing membership on such people, demanding they pay dues as well.

Of course liberals will whine, cry and bitch about this, but forcing someone to be part of a union is not freedom, nor is it liberty.  It is a form of enslavement, no matter how one sugarcoats it.

Unions are losing their power not because they are not needed, but because they have abused their power.  When liberals and union leaders figure that out, things will change for the better.


Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Hobby Lobby

The US Supreme Court decided, by a decision of 5-4, to uphold Hobby Lobby’s decision to not provide some forms of birth control they feel violates their religious beliefs.

To the left, this means all forms of birth control.  Its a way to prevent companies from dealing with the LGBT community, and a host of other attacks on the freedom of women.

But is it?

Once again the left uses emotion to win an argument here.  But let’s look at a fact, the court ruled on some forms of birth control, not all.  The ruling also does not suddenly, and magically, mean women cannot get birth control, nor talk to their doctors about it.  Women will still be able to talk to their doctors about birth control.  And some women, who use birth control for other things, then maybe the doctors and insurance companies should re-categorize those uses.

This thought that the ruling is an infringement on women’s rights is at best, ludicrous.  It does not infringe on any right, but who pays for it.  It does not prevent a woman from getting birth control, it does not prevent a woman from talking to her doctor, it does not give the employer the right to do anything else, but not offer certain forms of birth control in their employees medical insurance.

You don’t even have to be religious to not like some forms of birth control.  Many people who find abortion horrible would rejoice the ruling to limit the morning after pill.

Or to put it in a way liberals will understand, and a phrase they’ve used for a year or more now:

We won, you lost, get over it!


Decay of Society

Recently Ann Coulter caused a storm among liberals (which for her isn’t hard) with a piece about soccer.  Her open went like this:

I’ve held off on writing about soccer for a decade — or about the length of the average soccer game — so as not to offend anyone. But enough is enough. Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation’s moral decay.

Now, I don’t agree with her, though soccer is a boring sport to watch.  Yes a lot of people around the world love the sport, and it is fun to play, but watching it on TV or live, quite boring.

What is a true sign of the nations moral decay is found quite often, all one has to do is scan news articles, or YouTube and you’ll find it.

‘Video Shows Woman Being Violently Beaten in Brooklyn’


Watch: Mom Beaten as Toddler Tries to Intervene

Both of these stories have the same thing in common.  In each, someone is getting beaten up, and onlookers, instead of rushing to help, run to the cell phones and cameras to record it.

We’ve become a society that will stand by and watch someone else be beaten to death in front of us, while we video tape it.  Perhaps is we started to put down the camera and cell phone, and help out someone in need we might see a rebound in society.

But, in order for that to happen, we must realize the government and authorities are not the one to help out first.  The first ones to help, are those who are there.  When we figure that out again, things will start to improve.


Seeing the Bias in Journalism

The New York Times recently had an article showing how the US Supreme Court Justices were located in regards to how they voted on cases.


The picture is too small to see the details, but the first impression this photo gives is that the SCOTUS appears to lean conservative.  That’s exactly what the Times wants you to believe.  The true is far different. What failed to come through, which you can see on the article, is the percentage each Justice voted liberal. Continue reading…


Increase in Illegals Not A Crisis – Democrats

In the past couple of days President Obama and House Minority Leader Pelosi have come out with some comments about the recent increase in young illegals showing up on the US border.  Recently Pelosi made a trip down to the border to ‘check’ things out for herself.  Here’s what she had to say about the situation:

“We need to find the best solution to the problem, not necessarily the fastest.”

She also called it an ‘opportunity’ not a ‘crisis’.  True, while it might not be a crisis yet, how democrats react will determine which way this goes.  If they continue with amnesty, I predict this will grow into a crisis.

And politicians never let a good crisis go to waste, that where Obama comes in.  He is seeking an additional two billion dollars, that $2,000,000,000 in additional funding for this ‘opportunity’ Pelosi is talking about.  Oh, and to go with that amount Obama wants additional power to ‘fast-track’ kids without parents.

These are the same kids who Obama wants to reunite with their parents here in the USA.

If things are not a crisis now, they will be shortly.  The USA, I believe, still has great potential, but don’t add unnecessary burden to a fragile system.  That’s what the democrats are doing.


100 Years Ago Today

It was a hundred years ago today that motions were set in place which would bring about one of the deadliest wars in history.
June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Fredinand and his wife, Sophie, were assassinated in Sarajevo. Their killer was part of a group called the Malada Bosna (Young Bosnia).
This action had a tremendous effect on political events of the day. Treaties formed before this time would become important, as countries moved in obligation of treaties to other countries. The end result would be a four year war which led to Europe in shambles, and laying the groundwork for some of the most brutal leaders to ever hold office to come to power.
An important lesson should be learned from this, you may never understand what chain of events you might trigger by doing something foolish. Sadly, I fear we have lost that lesson, and even the lessons to safeguard against savage leaders like Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. Many now try to glorify such past events, never realizing they are setting up a repeat of the past.


Obama Tweet Sounds More Like A Dictator

Yesterday the White House made the following tweet:

“We can’t afford to wait for Congress…and that’s why I’m going ahead without them when I can.” —President Obama

Obama, a person who has made claims to be a US Constitutional law professor, seems to be saying to his opponents if you won’t do what I want you to, I will do them myself.  Of course this isn’t the first time he’s mentioned such things.

Take what he said last year to the Times’ Jackie Calmes last July:

“I will take whatever administrative steps that I can in order to do right by the American people.”

In that same interview he said this about his distractors:

“But ultimately, I’m not concerned about their opinions — very few of them, by the way, are lawyers, much less constitutional lawyers.”

Continue reading…


Affordible Action Plan to be Extended?

On Thursday (June 26, 2014) Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew made an announcement about the Making Home Affordable Program, and the Obama administration wishes to extend it to December 2016.

Now, the program, like many others, started with a good interest back in 2009, help shore up the housing market which crashed, resulting in one of the largest depressions in recent history.  Now, it somewhat worked, but a problem is here.

Lew referenced that the administration wished to help people who cannot afford homes, with a government sponsored company called Ginnie Mae.  This company would help high risk loans, by taking them and, hopefully, reducing interest which would allow more people to ‘afford’ homes.

This sound all to familiar to another government program to help people afford homes.  What to know what happened there?  We had a housing crash because people couldn’t afford their monthly payments.

So it appears democrats have learned nothing and once again are trying to set us down this same path again.  Oh, they’ll use fancy words, say its different because of some obscure wording but we shouldn’t be fooled again.

There is a reason why not everyone owns a $200,000 home, not everyone can afford it.  Sometimes with a purchase, you have to say no.


Mexican Military Helicopter Fires Shots in USA.

It appears a Mexican military helicopter fired a couple of shots off while inside US territory at US border patrol agents.  With tensions already mounting with US citizens over the influx of illegals, especially children, this latest incident does not help calm these tensions.

The question that comes to mind, what was the helicopter doing inside US territory and why did it shoot at US border patrol agents?

The incursion and firing of shots happen in Arizona, near a town called San Miguel.

Rumors and accusations of Mexican officials helping illegals enter the USA have become rampant in the past few years.  This type action only reinforces such rumors, and does not help democrat efforts with their illegal immigration bills in Congress.

Actions such as these, and the mass of children crossing into the USA only seem to make clear that a realistic solution to a growing problem is drafted and passed.  Mexican authorities have apologized for the incident, yet, with the level of corruption in the Mexican government, how does one know if the apology was real, or pushed for by drug cartels.

While some consider this an act of war, and indeed wars have started for less, I do not.  What it does show is the true lawlessness and ineffectiveness of our border patrol agents.  They need to be backed by our government, and right now, top level officials do not care about them.  They only care about granting amnesty to all illegals.  that does not solve the growing crisis on our boarder.

Its time for democrats to wise up, and show the intelligence they are so proud of spouting about.  How can so many see the problem, yet they do not?


The Liberal Tolerance

Recently I read a story about Nanaimo, a Canadian city, which cancelled an event called ‘Leadercast’, a group whose goal is to build leaders worth following.  Now the council of Nanaimo cancelled the event not because of who was speaking, but because Chick-fil-A was a sponsor.

In fact council member Fred Pattje blasted Chick-fil-A’s owner, Dan Cathy, and labeled him as having a history of homophobia.  Now if memory serves me, I believe the owner said homosexuality went against his religion.  Gays and lesbians work for Chick-fil-A.  I don’t think he’s like that, but many of the left when someone says its against their religion, suddenly think that person is homophobic.

‘Leadership’ does not appear to even cover such subjects, focusing instead on other aspects, like leadership which has nothing to do with one’s sexual preference.

Its ironic that Pattje stated this:

“The city of Nanaimo advised the VICC — the Vancouver Island Conference Center — that as owners of the facility any events that are associated with organizations of people that promote or have a history of divisiveness, homophobia or other expressions of hate in a such advised VICC to not permit the upcoming Leadercast event to occur in the city-owned facility that is scheduled for Saturday May the 9th.”

Yet failed to see his own actions were also fueled by hate and divisiveness.

Fred Pattje, I wonder if you even realize how much hatred you seem to be pushing forward in your quest to belittle someone else for their views.

I guess its okay to belittle one person, as long as it goes against what you think.



IRS E-Mail Questions

I’ve had a few days now to think about this topic, and what questions I have and came up with a few.

First off, at the time of the crash, it seems every employee had their e-mails backed up on a server, a small amount of space according to some, but had a backup.  so the question is technical, how did the crash eliminate the backed up server e-mails?

Second question is again somewhat technical.  What type of outdated e-mail system are they using that the e-mails are stored not on some central location like every other e-mail system out there, but on her computer?  Seriously, my computer could crash but I wouldn’t lose a single e-mail from any of my many e-mail accounts.

Third, in today’s age of technology, these employees only had one computer?  Many employees, especially those who travel have a desktop computer and a laptop.

And my final question, did Lerner have a smartphone upon which she received work e-mails?

With questions three and four it is a matter of if the e-mails were only on her computer, how could she get them in other locations?  We know she visited the White House, so was she out of touch with her e-mails during that time?

This entire ‘We lost the e-mails’ only shows how much our government thinks we the public are idiots.  Its time to stand up and demand accountability.  If this was a company people would be boycotting their products and lawsuits would be drawn up.  Instead we have a system which is protecting itself from those it was at one time sworn to protect.


Vet May Lose Home for Displaying US Flag

Its stories like these that I read that make me mad and wonder where in the world did our common sense go?

Larry Murphfree is a proud US veteran.  Like many wishes to display his patriotism.  What better way then to put out a flag.  So he did, a little flag in his flower pot out front.

That little action created a big headache.

He is being fined by his community Homeowner’s association, about $8,000 fine and a foreclosure lien on his house.

Say What?  Did we read that right?

Yep, for a flag in a flower pot he could lose his home.  I’m sorry, but if you live in the USA, if the flag upsets you, then perhaps its time for you to leave.

If I lived in France, and a neighbor had a flag of France in front of his/her house, so what.  I’m in France.  Its getting to the point where you almost have no problem flying other countries flags, but fly the US flag, get in trouble. Continue reading…