What are Facts?

With all the ‘facts’ flying from both democrats, republicans, liberals and conservatives I thought I mention that fact can, and are, twisted depending on the point of view.

Don’t believe me, wait and see.

Let’s pursue the following example of Dihydrogen Monoxide, or DHMO.

I think we should ban DHMO.  Why?

DHMO is a major component of acid rain, which is destructive to the environment.

It is used in nuclear power plants.

It is used in baby formulas with no regulations by the government.

In solid form, prolonged exposure can cause tissue damage.

Gas form can cause burns.

DHMO kills thousand each year in the USA, and no one seeks to regulate its use. Continue reading…


Mike Rowe and the Shoplifter

Did you happen to catch a comment on Mike Rowe’s Facebook page?



Check it out as he talks about a store owner putting pictures of shoplifters in his store window.  Personally, this is great, let people know who is a shoplifter.  IF the person is shamed, perhaps they should have thought about that before doing something illegal.

The big part of the conversation starts when a couple of lawyers get involved.

They claim the store owner could be sued over the pictures.  What stupidity and waste of money on the lawyers part.  Its that claim that the person doing the crime is somehow a victim.  Its time to start telling things like it is.  If you do a crime, you are a criminal.

Sadly, all too often today the criminal is treated like a victim due to some group speaking out.  If you go and rob a store, that store owner has every right to post that.  The robber made a choice to do something illegal.

Robbers are not glamerious, they are not celebrities, or Robin Hood.  They make the lives of the honest, law-abiding citizen more expensive.


IRS Stalls

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen seemed to have no answers, surprisingly, when questioned last night.  He shifted and dodged blame like a professional democratic politician when asked questions.

He thought there was no wrongdoing going on at the IRS.  Why?  Common sense told him so.  What?  Did they even bother to look?

Let’s not forget the ‘missing’ e-mails from Lois Lerner and six other IRS employees.  Again, Koskinen failed to answer questions here, even stating that the IRS is underfunded.  How much more funding do they need?  According to their budget, they operate on over $13 billion and yet, can’t properly secure their e-mails in backups?

Final thought in regards to the e-mails.  Did the IRS violate Records Management by Federal Agencies (44 U.S.C Chapter 31) by failing to have the proper backups for their e-mails?

Simply put, this seems to be another do as I say, not as I do.  However, if they can’t even backup their e-mails safely, how much confidence should I place in them receiving, processing, and storing my tax records?


IRS Scandal

Yes, I’m calling it a scandal not a conspiracy, or a might have happened, but a scandal.

The latest news about this scandal revolves around missing e-mails from Lois Lerner.  Now, for several years members of Congress have been asking for these e-mails, hoping they shed some light on what happened.  Some believe these e-mails could be the smoking gun which proves that the IRS did in fact target conservative groups.

Logically speaking, if there is nothing there, the easiest way to brush this scandal aside is to produce the e-mails.  In other words, prove without a doubt there is nothing there.  By doing this the administration, and liberals and democrats, can be transparent, and make conservatives and Republicans look foolish.

Instead, we get this lame excuse that the computer crashed and the e-mails were lost.

What?  Huh?!? Continue reading…


The US Immigration Problem

I’ve heard all the sides, how immigrates have helped make this country great.  Yes I understand it, even had a grandpa who would use illegals on his farm before the Second World War.

However, there is a problem liberals don’t want to face, or realize.  The immigrates of yesteryear are not what’s coming across today.  To be fair, some are, but there are a lot more who are not.  The left is seeking amnesty for those crossing the border illegally.

(BTW, what part of illegal don’t liberals get here?)

This promise of amnesty has brought forth our current immigration problem at the border.  You know, the one the border agents are not suppose to talk about, photograph, or speak to the press about.  (Big Brother in action, control what you do, see, and hear.)  As a result there are thousands of children at the border. Continue reading…


Redskins is an Offensive Word

There is dumb, stupid, and outright silly. That’s what is going on here today by some on the left over the name of a football team.

Yep, the Washington Redskins (oops, sorry, perhaps I should have warned some of my more sensitive readers about this word, screw it), or more accurately, the name Redskins is apparently offensive. That’s what MSNBC Joy Reid did when airing a clip of Senator D – Harry Reid talking about the name Redskins.

It seems to me that the liberals are pushing hard to make Redskins an offensive word, up there with other words. Won’t be long and we’ll be calling them the you-know-who of the NFL. Make you ear the name by not saying it, giving warnings and telling you how and what to think about the word. What happened to liberals promoting free thought and expression? To think for yourself?

It’s almost as if the left wants to erase Redskins from the language. Continue reading…


Obama and Iraq

Our President has put himself in a tough position.  The Iraq government is asking for aide, towns are falling to ISIS, people are being killed, and things are quickly go to hell over there.

Now, I say he put himself in a tough position because, apparently the Iraq government has asked the administration for help several times before this.  And its true, these towns were not captured overnight, but took time to take, and then move on.

They requested drone strikes, which probably would have been very easily done, especially considering these ISIS groups were travelling along the road.  Seems like they were unafraid of any airstrikes with their brazen march and videos.

Speaking of videos, some have been quite graphic. Continue reading…



First post, nothing really here yet.  This is just me, nothing out of the ordinary.  I hope to update this blog several times a week, primarily focusing on political events from local to around the world.

I’m not going to post too much, this is more a filler until I start making real posts and so visitor right now don’t see the default post of wordpress.

Speaking of which, wordpress is a really nice, easy way to set up a website.  If you wish to do the same, check it out.