Black Lives Matter

Take a look at the following image: This is the heart of #BlakLivesMatter, it isn’t the actual life of a black person, but who pulls the trigger. Liberals are all quick to shout and cry #BlackLivesMatter on twitter, Facebook and every other social media when it aligns with their agenda however they complete ignore it […]
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The New Tolerance

Are you excited about the Supreme Court ruling on gay maarriage.  No?  Then you must be one of those religious intolerant conservatives, at least according to the pro-gay marriage crowd. Yet, they have done the exact thing these intolerant religious people are accused of doing, not tolerating another person’s lifestyle.
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Supreme Court Gay Ruling

So the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of gay marriage. Big deal.  I’m not going to celebrate even though I want gays and lesbians to have that privilege.  I am concerned with a few things. First off, is this ruling to be enforced by churches across the nation, regardless of the […]
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PC Crowd Striking Again

By now most of you have heard of the most recent rattling by liberals, or more specifically, their political correct sheeple, I mean people. They are going after the Confederate flag. Now a few things, yes the flag did indeed fly over a country which had slavery. However, so has every flag in the world. […]
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Al Sharpton

This week Al Sharpton, liberal loud-mouth, made another comment which has people scratching their heads in wonder. “Most important, he said ‘I’m going to fight to bring fairness to the tax code. The rich must pay more, and we must give tax credits to middle class and poor people.” What makes it ironic is that […]
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