‘White Christmas’ – Racist?

Seems like everytime something like Ferguson happens, people are being told what is considered to be racist. Elect a black President, then criticize his decisions?  You’re a racist. Show any support for a cop who killed a thug who robbed a store, walked down the middle of the street and assaulted an officer?  You’re a […]
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Free Speech Only For Me

Lately with all the unrest going on in places like Ferguson and New York the left has once more gone to their typical free-speech, but only if you agree with them. In both anyone who dares come out with an opposite view is shouted down and called first off a racist.  Even if facts support […]
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Raven-Symone Rejects Labelling

In a shock to the liberal world actress and singer Raven-Symone made a statement to Oprah that is something everyone should be applauding.  Instead, it left the leftwing Oprah struggling in shock and close to verbally attacking the actress for her opinion. “I’m tired of being labeled. I’m an American. I’m not an African-American; I’m an […]
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Liberals Attack Maher Again over Islam

Last Friday Bill Maher once again went against the standing liberal talking points when it comes to islam.  He once more went after liberals for their lack of knowledge of radical islam. On the other side this time was a liberal actor, Ben Affleck.  Maher did not let up, and indeed stated the following: “It’s […]
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Reporters Force NFL On Michael Sam

Michael Sam, the NFL’s first openly gay player before being drafted was cut by the team that drafted him in the 7th round, the St. Louis Rams.  Talk to any expert about only football, and they all say pretty much the same, it would be difficult for Sam to make the Rams. Last year the […]
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Hamas’ Favorite Tactics to Gain Gullible Liberal Support

The latest tweets by the UN indicate that hamas is using schools funding by the UN to hide weapons in.  Yes, that’s right, the group that is the most responsible for the war going is using schools as places to hide.  The result being that if Israel attacks, hamas can use their PR groups to […]
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ISIS Shuts Off Water Supply

ISIS is striking another jihad blow against Christians in a most inhuman way.  Recently ISIS went after Christians by telling them either to leave, pay up, convert or die.  Yeah, nice choices by a group of muslims that the rest of the world is suppose to believe is peaceful. Their latest blow, turning off water […]
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Bill Maher On Who is to Blame in Gaza

Sometimes Bill Maher can make a lot of sense when he is thinking things logically.  Take for example the recent conflict in Gaza between hamas and Israel.  He feels bad for the children and civilians, as many do, who are wounded and killed but he then goes on to ask a serious question many do […]
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Israel’s Defensive Offensive

Gaza, a small area of land under contention for decades, and did not have to be, has led to the rise of terror groups like hamas.  These groups go out, buy weapons with the intention of killing Israel citizens.  They care nothing for any civilian living in Gaza, women or children.  As a result of […]
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The PC Police are Back

So yesterday, the staffers at the Huffington Post were ‘shocked’ while watching FOX News ‘The Five’.  You would think they would have been shocked at something a conservative said on the show.  But actually, its was the show’s Bob Beckel who got the gasp from the ultra-liberals with their panties too tight at the Huffington […]
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Typical Smear Campaign

Has everyone heard about the young woman Kendall Jones, a Texas Tech cheerleader.  She’s the one who posted pictures of her hunting animals and the left completely freaked out about it. Well, true to their form, their attacks have gotten even worse.  Its beyond despicable, bus also so typical of their attacks on people who […]
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Women Can’t Get Birth Control

Okay, so no one out there thinks women can’t get birth control?  Right? However, reading twitter several left-winged sites have posted articles that state that in more succulent tones.  Take this article: Can birth control help Democrats keep the Senate? by Irin Carmon. Its a very carefully worded opinion piece which talks about the democrats going around the […]
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Hobby Lobby Girl

By now most of you have seen the following picture: Well, it seems that liberals’ minds have exploded.  How did they react? With the typical threats.  People said they hope she dies, her daughter dies, hope she is raped, and a host of other things. People, where are your fucking manners.  This is the United […]
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