How many of you have heard this by the left. Our ancestors were immigrants, or immigrants in the early part of the 20th century helped out in farms, or other jobs. Yes, those are true, but it also begs the question why liberals are so stuck in the past. Look at what they push in […]
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Posts tagged with 'Liberals'
Border- Political Cartoon
Funny cartoon provided by Positively Republican!
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Hobby Lobby Spin by Liberals
Well, its almost been a week since the Supreme Court decision in favor of Hobby Lobby, and the left’s compete meltdown reaction. The one I have found to be the strangest is how this decision will mean women will not be able to get birth control. Hold on a second. What? I guess I missed […]
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The US Immigration Problem
I’ve heard all the sides, how immigrates have helped make this country great. Yes I understand it, even had a grandpa who would use illegals on his farm before the Second World War. However, there is a problem liberals don’t want to face, or realize. The immigrates of yesteryear are not what’s coming across today. […]
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Redskins is an Offensive Word
There is dumb, stupid, and outright silly. That’s what is going on here today by some on the left over the name of a football team. Yep, the Washington Redskins (oops, sorry, perhaps I should have warned some of my more sensitive readers about this word, screw it), or more accurately, the name Redskins is […]
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