Super Bowl Half Time Show

The upcoming Super Bowl and its half-time show. A show which has not been without controversy in recent years. From Janet Jackson’s infamous wardrobe ‘malfunction’ to last years ‘black panthers’ and anti-cop perceived theme with Beyoncé.

This year the entertainer is Lady Gaga. And she had stated to being even more controversy to the show, and probably piss off a lot of people by doing it.

She stated she was going to be make a political statement against Donald Trump.

Now, I watch the Super Bowl for the game, some watch for the commercials, but either way a place to get away from politics. However this year its threatening to become political and for what? To make a statement and piss off half the country? Continue reading…


Protests at Berkeley Quiet Free Speech

On Wednesday night at Berkeley University there was supposed to be a speaker talking on campus. He is an outspoken gay man who is not afraid to speak his mind.

However, this man was never given the chance to speak.

Instead a group of homophobic protesters showed up sparking violence amongst the protesters. What happened was textbook violence designed to willingly shut down a gay man’s freedom of speech.

Of course this narrative would never be shown in today’s media.


Because the speaker was a conservative gay man, Milo Yiannopoulos. Continue reading…


Executive Orders

I see a lot of hoopla over the recent executive orders by President Trump. Both sides have engaged in mindless stupidity over this, but once again the left takes the lead.

A couple of years ago I commented on an article in some online news site about another President. The article was defending something which I considered a slippery slope for the future.

So, I made the comment that this overreach wasn’t good, constitutional, nor was it something we should defend. It was something which future US Presidents could use. Are you so confident in this that you’d risk the future for the present?

I got back everything from I was racist to it need to be done. No one cared about the repercussions of future Presidents even when confronted with one who was a Republican. Continue reading…


Quebec City Shooting

Another tragic shooting happened recently, yet you hear very little about it.

The question become why do we hear do little about it?

The answer is actually quite simple, it doesn’t advance the narrative put forth by the left-wing media elites.

The shooting killed six people in a Mosque in Canada. You would think there would be a lot of great stories here for the left. They could claim right-wing hate for the shooting. Islamophobia would be another great story. Continue reading…



50 years ago I would have no problem taking in the refugees and probably the discussion would exist.  So, what’s changed that we are having this discussion now?  I see several causes.

First, the problem is that as a country, we are broke.  There is no other way around it.  The current debt is close to $20 trillion.  Taking in 100,000s of refugees is not something we have the money for.

Of course the left will say take the money from this, or that group.  Problem there is we really don’t take the money, that group still spends the money, all we do is add more spending which we cannot afford. Continue reading…


Immigration Vetting

A lot of mudslinging out there over the immigrant ban done by President Trump. Is it bad, or good, a lot of which depends on your political view.

First off, I’ll say as a nation we cannot take in every refugee no matter what is said. Its not a good idea no matter what. There has to be a limit, as too much would be a tremendous strain on our economy, politics, and society, some of which might not be for the better.

Now, there is some idea that the United States, as a whole, doesn’t get many terror attacks. Yes, I will agree with those people. But as with getting struck by lightning, if you don’t’ go outside in a thunderstorm you are less likely to be struck. The same principle here, if we don’t take in as many radical muslims we don’t increase the chance of attacks that much.

Now, according to some reports radical muslims make up some 1-60% of all muslims, depending on which group you listen to. A more acceptable report has it around 5-15%.

So, let’s take in 100,000 muslim refugees. According to the report we are taking in between 5-15,000 radicals. Now those radicals are free in the country to spread their poison.

If even less than .1% are violent we have still taken in 100 people who could do something. It doesn’t take many to cause widespread terror. In fact a single gunman could cripple the airline industry by shooting up a major airport.

So the left is accepting to not vet anyone coming in despite a present danger. That is putting ones heading the sand and ignoring the incoming tide.

They call it racism, and anything else they can to end the discussion about it. Why? They do not wish to confront the ugly truth, radical muslims are not our friends, and one of the first lines of defense is vetting.

As long as the left continues to want to ignore this threat, the chance will increase.


Politics and Science

So suddenly there is a lot of talk about science, and scientists, and politics.  Many, especially those who lean left are saying politics cannot be involved in science.


First off, the fact a scientist cannot be political is quite honestly, disturbing at best.  Can those political views influence the scientists.  You bet.

Back in college I had a chemistry class where I spent the entire summer working with the dean of the Chemistry department.  We spent many days working together and I learned from him science has two faces. Continue reading…


President Trump

So its been a couple of days now since the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, and some things have been in the news.

What’s really made news?

Pictures of how many people attended the inauguration.  Really?  Comparing inaugurations as if that is a status of how good a person will be as President?  Guess the left thinks a lot of people indicates how good a person will be.  But let’s not forget how many people came to see Hitler.

How about all the protests.

Yes, a lot of good footage of leftist protests smashing things up.  And if it wasn’t that, it was the litter they left behind after the protests.  Guess someone else must clean up after them.

Let’s not forget the twitter of a Saturday Night Live writer over Barron Trump.  Yeah, she got so much flack from the people she deleted the tweet and closed her account.  But no real reaction from NBC or SNL saying the writer’s opinions were not their own.

Strange considering the outrage the left did anytime someone dared say anything about Obama’s girls.  Thought the children were off limits, or is that only when a democrat is in charge.

And, it appears Trump and his family made use of one of the bowling lanes in the White House for some family fun.  This caused all types of protests despite the fact he was in the WH, and not flying around.

Of course the left worshipped it when Obama took time off to give his predictions of the NCAA basketball playoffs, or other such things, like golfing.

Lastly, it seems the left is ranting and raving over what Trump said.

Honestly, it wouldn’t have mattered what Trump said.  The left would have found something dark and disturbing in it to fret over.

Personally, I hope for a strong leader, something I saw lacking in Obama.  Will I see it in Trump, only time will tell.


45st President, Donald Trump

Today we inaugurate the newest President of the United States, Donald Trump.

His victory was stunning in the elections in November 2016.  He did what no one thought he had a chance of doing.


Now, as I look on to the next four years under Trump, I hope he does a good job.  The same thing I hoped with every President.  There are still a host of issues to be addressed, from social to economic to foreign policies.

I can only hope that Trump surrounds himself with people who are smart, and he listens to what they have to say.

I do fear the left-wing will only attack him no matter what he does.  They seem to want him to fail only to say I told you so while running to their safe-spaces.

Either way, today is still historic as it marks what should be, a peaceful transition of power from one person to the next as happened many times in our past.

Good Luck Mr. President, Donald Trump.



It seems like there is so much about racism in today’s world.  Everyone on the left is triggered by something, or some action its to the point of ridiculousness.

However, I have come to ask a question of such actions by the left.  What is the end game?

In other words, at what point do they consider ‘racism’ of their definition to be over?

For me, two segments of Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech come to mind:

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.


I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

The endgame for racism is here.  A world where we no longer see color.  Where we look at the skin of a person as we would hair color, or eye color, or the height of a person.  It makes up who they are, but doesn’t define who that person is anymore than how tall a person is.

You look at someone and see them for who they are, not for the color of their skin.

However, I feel as if the left wants me to see a person for the color of their skin.  And I don’t see the end game upon which racism is conquered.  I only see a world where racism continues under their efforts to ‘end’ racism.


Airport Shooting

Over the weekend there was a shooting  the Ft. Lauderdale airport.  Tragically five people lost their lives.

Of course the debate will rage on gun control, because that’s what the left does in a situation like this, blame guns.

But I want to know more.  Like why did he do this?  What was the purpose of the shooting.  At this time there are no clear answers and a lot of speculation going on.

I am also curious as to what we can do to prevent such a thing from happening again, while still maintaining our 2nd Amendment rights.  Aside from eliminating all guns I have a hard time eliminating the risk no matter what gun laws are put forth by the left.

Watching that day the biggest concern was how long the airport was shut down.  One person caused all of this disruption.  Imagine if the attack had been organized over several airports?  Mass chaos in our travel.

They shut down the entire airport, despite probably knowing it was a lone gunman, they kept all terminals closed.  Of course such things are lost on the left as they have an agenda, gun control, and for that they will ignore anything and everything.


Health Care

Listening to the news there is a lot of talk about Obamacare and such.  The left-wingers have come out and stated that if Republicans get their way everyone will get ‘sicker’ than they already are.

The left-wing once more is showing how out of touch they are with reality.

Obamacare has not been the ‘success’ they had hoped, and they know it.  They’ve know it for a while now.  They knew it when it was rushed through Congress and the President signed the bill with a lot of fanfare.  The left ignored concerns by others saying it was fearmongering.

Personally I feel there is not problem with our healthcare.  I can hear the left-wingers starting their arguments already but they didn’t understand what I wrote.  I said no problem with our healthcare.

The USA has a great healthcare system.  We have great doctors, hospitals and other agencies.  I learned that first-hand in 2015 when I had major health issues.  The real problem comes from other areas, like prices for procedures.

Consider this, any bill I had in 2015 that went to insurance who paid was ‘re-priced’.  However, for a surgery which ended up being almost an emergency, in a hospital which was considered ‘in-network’, by a doctor considered ‘in-network’, the assistant to the surgery was considered ‘out-of-network’.  Which meant that I was responsible for almost all of it and was never ‘re-priced’.

My brother, on an Obamacare plan, figured out if the same thing happened to him his closest hospital would not have covered him.

Think about that?

Insurance companies and government rules and regulations are a bigger problem with our healthcare than anything else.

And yet, the left-wingers want to include more.

I fear if the left-wingers get their way, no one will be able to afford healthcare.  After all, the only thing they want is universal healthcare insurance provided by the government for everyone.

So come on Republicans, lets actually look at the system and see if we can find a real fix.