With the victory of Trump to a second term as President it brought up the question, what happened? As so many of us celebrate Trump’s victory the left and democrats are melting down with shock. They cannot understand what happened. This is because of a couple of things. The biggest problem was the issues democrats […]
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Posts tagged with 'abortion'
Abortion is a topic I generally shy away from because its so hotly debated and there really seems like no good answer. Since Pandora’s Box was opened the debate has raged. Should we allow abortions or not? Generally the debate was logical, well, as logical as one can get with this topic which people have […]
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Science and Liberals
Recently there has been murmuring by the left over questioning, and rejecting, of Global Warming or Climate Change as others call it. The left want to make it so anyone who questions, or denies, CC can be tossed in jail. In other words they don’t want to be question over the science of CC. They […]
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Super Bowl Results
For those watching, once again on Sunday there was the Super Bowl, and people are talking about it. First off, it appears Lady Gaga nailed the national anthem. It was refreshing to hear a singer give the song the justice it deserved without being overbearing. It was nice, and overall it improved her image to […]
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Real Baby Killers
Okay, here is a great meme: Think about this, if you are for abortions, then turn around and call soldiers baby killers, what does that make you? You support abortion, which is in fact killing babies. Oh, they use the terms ‘fetuses’ and such to make it sound better. But the bottom line is, abortions […]
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Love this cartoon, it has a pretty powerful message, we might be aborting the very ones who could save our future.
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