Media Problems

So far, 2019 is not yet two months old, we are about 50 days into the new year and already there has been a lot going on in the world of media and journalists.  Let’s look at three of the biggest stories against the leftist media. Let’s start with the whole release of journalists from […]
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Don’t Force Your Lifestyle On Me!

How many times have conservatives heard this, or even Americans in general heard the following phrase: “Don’t force your lifestyle on me!” I’m sure by now you’ve heard this phrase in one way or another throughout your lifetime.  I’ve seen it many times, from my political view to religious views, its a mantra of the […]
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So, I really haven’t been watching this movement much but it appears to be gaining strength lately.  I decided to go and watch a few videos. The last couple of days was spent watching videos of the WalkAway movement and videos of those on the left dismissing the movement.  It was interesting to watch. Watching […]
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Pearl Harbor

76 years ago today at five minutes to 8 AM in Hawaii the silence, and peace, was broken by the sounds of approaching planes.  Those stationed on the military bases and ships looked up never expecting what was about to happen. Imperial Japan struck first using planes from six aircraft carriers to launch a surprise […]
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Answering a Question

It appears a few nights ago on Carlson Tucker, Kurt Eichenwald was on the show.  One of the questions on the show was about Eichenwald stating Trump was “institutionalized in a mental hospital for a nervous breakdown in 1990”. A simple question considering Carlson asked Eichenwald if this was true or not.  If Trump was […]
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Ohio State University Attack

Once again there was another college attack  And once again liberals are spouting off on what needs to be done about it to prevent another attack. Their solution is more gun control, or abolish gun s altogether.  Its their bread and butter solution any time such an attack occurs. However, there is one slight problem […]
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Terror Attacks

Bombing and stabbings, oh my! Seems like the world went a little crazy over the weekend.  It all started with a bombing before a Marine Corps run in New Jersey.  Then another bombing in New York. Add in a multiple stabbing in Minnesota where the stabber was reported to be asking if people were muslim. Of […]
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15 years ago Americans were changed. We woke up that morning to a normal, typical Tuesday in September.  We went about our daily lives in blissful ignorance, our concerns were on getting to work, paying bills, studying, going to class, or a hundred other things which had little to do with what was about to […]
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No Islam

So, they are going to be releasing of the tapes for the Orlando shooter.  Only one problem.  They decided to edit out all mention of the word islam, or isis. The question becomes why censor the words islam or isis, or anything unless there is an ulterior motive going on.  But then, anyone who thinks about […]
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9/11 and Saudi Arabia

Lately there have been several news reports involving Saudi Arabia and links to 9/11. First off there is a bill in Congress to allow US citizens to sue the Saudi Arabia’s government over what happened.  Many, including Ryan and McConnell are against the bill and the Saudi government itself has threatened reparations if the bill […]
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Liberals Wrong Again

Once more liberals have been shown to not be in the realm of reality when it comes to foreign policy.  Over the weekend radical terrorists rushed into hotels in Mali killing at random while yelling ‘Allahu akbar’.  It took hours before security forces and U.N. personal to arrive and end the horror. Back in 2012 […]
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