
Well, both the Democrat and Republican conventions are now over and we’ve learned a few things. At the republican convention, we learned that Melania Trump is a plagiarist, and that the GOP party is a bunch of meanies who attacked Hillary for no good reason. At the democrat convention we learned that its not as […]
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Democrats in Censor Mode

The recent problems before the Democratic National Convention has spurned problems for social media as well. It started off with Wikileaks releasing a lot of the e-mails of the democratic party.  Many of these e-mails showed that there was a coordinated effort by high ranking democrats, and some with the media outlets, to go after […]
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GOP Convention

So, reading media, social media, twitter and such the GOP Convention came. What was the big story?  Trump winning the nomination? Nope, it was actually a speech given by Melania Trump.  It appears that she took some 50 or so words from a speech that Michelle Obama gave 8 years ago. The amount of attention […]
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