With everything going on with the Supreme Court nomination involving Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser for sexual assault its time to step back a second. Have we become a nation where someone’s claim is taken as absolute fact? This is a serious question for the problem at hand when dealing with sexual assault. Its a […]
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Posts tagged with 'female'
Computer Games
So, earlier this week I was reading though the newspaper and an article caught my attention, “Feminist Hero Gives Gamers Glimpse of Future” by Wie-Huan Chen in the Houston Chronicle. The article is about a new computer game coming out called ‘Horizon Zero Dawn’ which has a main character who is described as ‘strong-willed and […]
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Bathroom Cartoon
This used to be funny, now its coming soon to a restroom near you.
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Science and Liberals
Recently there has been murmuring by the left over questioning, and rejecting, of Global Warming or Climate Change as others call it. The left want to make it so anyone who questions, or denies, CC can be tossed in jail. In other words they don’t want to be question over the science of CC. They […]
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Why is it whenever you see pictures like the one here of refugees all we see are young males? It really should make you ask the following questions: Where are the women? Children? Middle aged? The old? Why is there only young men in this group. It looks more like an invading army than a […]
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Liberal Logic
Another funny picture by those over at Liberal Logic 101, sadly, its true.
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