Not long ago a single picture sent the left into an unbridled rage. What was in the picture which was so bad? A kid in a MAGA hat smiling at a Native America beating a drum in his face. See, it had a white kid wearing a MAGA hat which was code to the left […]
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Posts tagged with 'kid'
Drag Queen Poses Nude with Kid
Have you seen the pictures, or read about the recent articles of a Drag Queen posing nude with a 10 year old kid? You heard that right, posing nude with a kid in the picture. Years ago that would have been frowned upon by all groups. Today is very different in that it matters who […]
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President Trump
So its been a couple of days now since the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, and some things have been in the news. What’s really made news? Pictures of how many people attended the inauguration. Really? Comparing inaugurations as if that is a status of how good a person […]
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