So, reading some news headlines came across an article titled this by the AP: “Thousands rally in Georgia to question the vote and demand a new election” With the 2024 Presidential Election having just finished, many areas wrapping up recently it was interesting. Georgia had been in the news recently due to an election court […]
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Posts tagged with 'media'
A Dark Conspiracy to a Dictator
I am going to start this post by giving a disclaimer. This is a conspiracy idea, not factual, nor is it real (at least I hope it never become real). We are closer than ever before in our history as a country to having a dictator. No, I do not mean Trump, or anything the […]
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Imagine this, an Asian journalist who reports are is gay, is attacked by a group of hooded, masked white, young males. The police do not do anything and others defend the actions of the group by saying he deserved it. Go back decades and this sounds straight out something we hear about from the Deep […]
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Media Problems
So far, 2019 is not yet two months old, we are about 50 days into the new year and already there has been a lot going on in the world of media and journalists. Let’s look at three of the biggest stories against the leftist media. Let’s start with the whole release of journalists from […]
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The Kid, the Native American and the Left
By now most of us have seen the video, or at least the picture of the teen with a MAGA hat on and the Native American. The left, as typical saw the picture and quickly came to a conclusion. The teen was bullying and being demeaning to the Native American. The legion of loyal leftists […]
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US Coast Guard and OK Sign
So, by now you’re probably aware of the recent reports by left wing mainstream media over a supposed white power sign done by a US Coast Guard person. If you are not on live TV covering the landfall of Florence a person in the background did a sign. It was so outrageous to the left […]
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Well, another shooting has occurred, and as my custom I wait a bit before speaking about it. I do this to let rumors die down, and for the truth to hopefully come forth. What has come to my attention, isn’t that we need to ban guns, but once more its something about society. Let’s look […]
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Red Pill Black
Browsing on YouTube I ran across this wonderful interview from The Rubin Report where they interviewed Candace Owens. A delightful, wonderful young woman to listen to as she talked about her journey from being on the left to being on the right. It started out innocently enough, wanting to expose internet bullies and who they […]
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Fool Me Once
Well, with all the talk about ‘Fake News’ and such being tossed around it was only a matter of time before some ding-bat thinks the government should get involved. Three such people, Abby K. Wood, Ann M. Ravel, and Irina Dykhne, have come up with a bill they hope is proposed and made into law […]
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Hollywood’s Hypocrisy and Sexual Assault
There was a big deal recently over Harvey Weinstein and women coming out talking about how he sexually assaulted, or abused him. Now, such things have come out about Hollywood now for years, even decades of women being abused, or forced for sexual favors in order to get the part of some movie or TV […]
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Videos and the Media
I realized as I watched the news that I’m becoming more and more skeptical of videos shown on the news (and audio clips). Such videos no longer have that same shock impact, or unbiased observer they once had years ago where a video was proof positive of what happened. News agencies are being caught more […]
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United Incident
By now, almost everyone knows about, or has seen, what happened on a United Airlines flight where the police dragged a man from the flight to make room for an air crew for another plane. The entire thing actually makes me mad on many levels. United, for what really is poor foresight on their part. […]
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Media’s Job
I did a post not long ago regarding the media, Trump and trust. Now, just a few days ago it comes out that MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski made a comment which does not add to the trust of the media. She said, ‘Its our job to control what people think’. This about this for a second. […]
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Media, Trust and Trump
President Trump went and had his first meeting with the media and there seems to be a lot of aftermath surrounding it. From the left there are trumpets of how Trump has destroyed the trust of the media. Media and trust? Those two words have not gone together now for years, if not decades for […]
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