Democrats Immigration Bill

So, the democrats hastily put together a bill, S.3036, and called it the “Keep Families Together Act”. I wonder if they went though and actually proofread it and thought about it logically in their haste to write it.  Going through it I see some potential problems with wording, which is typical of such laws. Take […]
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Flag Burning

There has been a lot of news lately about flag burning, including if the government should make it illegal to do so. Personally, it is a freedom of speech, but one which those who do it fail to understand that doing so opens you up to rebuttal and criticism.  Burning the flag doesn’t make you […]
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Democrats Fall Flat Again

Yesterday there was a vote in the Senate, finally, on the Keystone Pipeline.  Harry Reid decided to allow the vote, and the only reason was political. Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu wanted this vote to show to her voters she could get things done, yet was sabotaged not by Republicans, but by fellow democrats.  She said […]
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