Not really surprising at all when one things about it. There was a video which came out talking about socialism and Millennials. Its slightly disturbing to think that Millennials think Bush II killed more than Stalin. Think about this, Stalin is reported to have killed some 20 million. Iraq had in 2000 some 23 million […]
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Posts tagged with 'socialism'
Socialism is control by the government, doesn’t matter what government.
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Real Difference
This is a real difference between Socialism and Capitalism. Of course those supporting Socialism will cry and whine but the truth is the truth.
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Socialism in Action
This is funny. Socialism in action here in New Hampshire, and make sure to share the delegates with those less fortunate.
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How Socialism Works
A cartoon that shows how socialism works.
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Socialism vs. Freedom
Yep, this about sums it up, yet liberals can’t seem to understand this.
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